Departmental Affiliations
Center & Institute Affiliations
Tonia Poteat, PhD '12, MPH, uses research to advance the health and human rights of sexual and gender minority populations in the U.S. and internationally.
Contact Info
321 South Columbia Street
Chapel Hill
North Carolina
Research Interests
HIV; sexual health; LGBTQ health; stigma; human rights; public health practice; mixed methods research
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Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Emory University School of Medicine
Yale University
My research interests and commitments lie at the intersection of public health, human rights, and social justice with a specific focus on LGBT health as well as HIV prevention and treatment for key populations. I participate in research and practice that is responsive and accountable to affected communities.
Honors & Awards
Johns Hopkins University Diversity Leadership Award
Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Physician Assistants
Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Physician Assistants
Select Publications
Selected publications
- Poteat T, Ackerman B, Diouf D, Ceesay N, Mothopeng T, Odette K, Kouanda S, Ouedraogo HG, Simplice A, Kouame A, Mnisi Z, Trapence G, van der Merwe L. LA, Jumbe V, Baral S. (2017) HIV prevalence and behavioral and psychosocial factors among transgender women and cisgender men who have sex with men in 8 African countries: A cross-sectional analysis. PLOS Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002422.
- Poteat T, Park C, Solares D, William JK, Wolf RC, Metheny N, Vazzano A, Dent J, Gibbs A, Nonyane BAS, Toiv N. (2017) Changing hearts and minds: Results from a multi-country gender and sexual diversity training. PLOS ONE, 12(9) e0184484. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0184484
- Poteat T, Wirtz AL, Raddix A, Borquez A, Deutsch M, Silva Sebastian A, Khan SI, Winter S, Jobson G, Operario D. (2014) HIV risk and preventive interventions in transgender women sex workers. The Lancet, 385(9964): 274-286.
- Poteat, T, German D, Kerrigan D. (2013) Managing Uncertainty: A Grounded Theory of Stigma in Transgender Health Care Encounters. Social Science & Medicine, May;84:22-9
- Poteat T, Diouf D, Drame FM, Ndaw M, Traore C, et al. (2011) HIV Risk among MSM in Senegal: A Qualitative Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Enforcing Laws That Criminalize Same Sex Practices. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28760.
Evaluation of Multi-country Gender and Sexual Diversity Training
Black Lesbians and Aging: Understanding Healthcare Needs
The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research (JHU CFAR): Poteat, Tonia
Transgender Community Needs Assessment
Reaching Trans-Attracted Men for HIV Research
Reducing HIV Vulnerability among Trans Women of Color
TOP Study: Improving Surgical Outcomes for Transgender Men
Black Sexual Minority Women & Breast Cancer: Improving Access to Care
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identify Barriers and Facilitators of Breast Cancer Screening and Follow-up to Screening for Black Sexual Minority Women