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K. Davina
, PhD, MA

Kevin Frick

Departmental Affiliations

Carey Business School

Center & Institute Affiliations

Contact Info

100 International Drive, rm1272

Research Interests

Health Policy and Management; cost; cost benefit; cost effectiveness; economic evaluation; OpenCourseWare; community interventions; ophthalmology; vision care; eye carel nursing; economics; cancer

Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Michigan
University of Michigan

He combines his knowledge of economic analysis with clinical and epidemiological insights from his colleagues to produce cost-effectiveness analyses that bring the tools of economic decision making to policy-makers. He has focused on community-based interventions as well as clinical care.  

At present, his main focus is cost-effectiveness studies dealing with eye care and nursing.  He has also worked in areas including obesity and oncology. His work has been a combination of efforts local in Baltimore, throughout the United States, and at the global level.

Moving ahead, his interest has begun to focus on how to make the findings relevant to real world decision makers.

Honors & Awards

Upper Darby High School Wall of Fame (2011)

APHA Vision Care Section Distinguished Service (2011)

Excellence in Teaching (Summer 2011), Obesity Economics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Golden Apple Award for Small Class Sizes (2011), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Student Assembly

Golden Apple Award for Internet-based Class Sizes (2011), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Student Assembly

Penn State Schreyer Honors College (2009) Outstanding Scholar Alumnus

Advising, Mentoring, Teaching Recognition Award (2009), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Student Assembly

John M. Eisenberg Article-of-the-Year in Health Services Research, (2006).  Co-author on “The causes of racial and ethnic differences in influenza vaccination rates among elderly Medicare beneficiaries”.  Health Services Research.  2005;40(2):517-38

Student Coordinating Committee Faculty Award, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Health and Management (2001)

Atlantic Economic Journal Best Article award for Cross product subsidization in the health insurance market with managed care: a model and issues (2000)

National Institute on Aging, Summer Institute on Aging Research (1997)

Select Publications
  • Peer Reviewed Since 2007

  • Parisi JM, Rebok GW, Seeman TE, Tanner EK, Tan E, Fried LP, Xue Q-L, Frick KD, Carlson MC. Lifestyle activities in sociodemographically at-risk urban, older adults prior to participation in the Baltimore Experience Corps trial. Activities, Adaptation, and Aging.  Forthcoming.

  • Feldman LS, Costa LL, Feroli ER Jr., Nelson T, Poe SS, Frick KD, Efird LE, Miller RG. Nurse-Pharmacist Collaboration on Medication Reconciliation Prevents Potential Harm.  Journal of Hospital Medicine.  Forthcoming.

  • Frick KD, Drye LT, Kempen JH, Dunn JP, Holland GN, Latkany P, Rao NA, Sen HN, Sugar EA, Thorne JE, Wang RC, Holbrook JT, for the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Research Group.  Associations among visual acuity and vision- and health-related quality of life among patients in the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment Trial.  Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.  Forthcoming. 

  • Frick KD, Roebuck MC, Feldstein JI, McCarty CA, Grover LL.  Health Services Utilization and Cost of Retinitis Pigmentosa.  Archives of Ophthalmology.  Forthcoming.

Willingness to Pay for Cataract Surgery in Guangdong, China
Technology Enhanced Community Health Nursing to Prevent STIs after PID (TECH-N)
Southwest Baltimore Supermarket Intervention
Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial