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, PhD, MPH, MS

- Adjunct
Cheryl Anderson

Departmental Affiliations


Contact Info


Research Interests

epidemiology, nutrition, dietary assessment, chronic disease prevention, CVD, CKD, sodium, potassium, clinical trials, diabetes, nutrition supplementation, asthma, cancer, carbon isotopes, biomarkers, measurement error

Experiences & Accomplishments
University of Washington
University of Washington
University of Washington

Dr. Anderson's research centers around nutrition-related issues in chronic disease prevention in minority and under-served populations. She is the principal investigator of the NHLBI-funded study of the effects of dietary sodium and potassium intake on subclinical and clinical cardiovascular disease. She is a co-investigator on the NIDDK-funded national, multicenter Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study which aims to identify risk factors and mechanisms of progressive renal disease and cardiovascular events in individuals with chronic kidney disease; and a co-investigator on the NHLBI-funded OMNI-Carb study - a randomized feeding study that compares the effects of type (glycemic index) and amount of carbohydrate on cardiovascular risk factors. Additionally, Dr. Anderson is the principal investigator of a study testing a unique biomarker (using carbon isotopic data) of intake of sweets (funded by an Innovation Grant Award from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).

Honors & Awards

2010 Fellow, American Heart Association

2010 National Kidney Foundation of Maryland Volunteer Service Certificate

2008 Institute of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board Committee on Strategies to Reduce Population Sodium Intake

2006 Institute of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board Committee on Use of Dietary Supplements by Military Personnel

2006 National Institute of Stroke and Neurological Disorders Stroke Prevention Research Group: Prevention of First and Recurrent Stroke

2003 Dannon Nutrition Leadership Institute Scholar

2001 Gil Omenn Award for Academic Excellence, University of Washington School of Public Health

Select Publications
  • Click here for Dr. Anderson's full PubMed listings

  • Casagrande SS, Anderson CA, Jerome GJ, Dalcin A, Dickerson FB ,  Appel LJ, Gennusa III JV, Campbell LM, Fred-Omojole O, Daumit GL (2011). Dietary Intake of Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. In Press.


  • Isakova T, Anderson CA, Leonard MB,  Xie D, GutiĆ©rrez OM, Rosen LK, Theurer J, Bellovich K, Steigerwalt SP, Tang I, Anderson AH, Townsend RR, He J, Feldman HI, Wolf M. Diuretics, Calciuria and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (2011).  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. In Press.
