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Vice Dean for Research
Gregory Kirk

Departmental Affiliations

School of Medicine
Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, Suite W1033

Research Interests

HIV / AIDS; antiretroviral therapy; non-communicable diseases; non-AIDS outcomes (lung, liver disease, cancer); drug use; epidemiology; liver cancer; biomarkers; genetic susceptibility; ALIVE study; The Gambia; Uganda;

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma State University

My research focuses on understanding the natural history of viral infections, particularly HIV and the hepatitis viruses, in both domestic and international settings. The ALIVE (AIDS Linked to the Intravenous Experience) study is a long-standing and productive cohort that characterizes the natural history of HIV infection among intravenous drug users in Baltimore, MD. Our research in ALIVE ranges from pathogenesis to clinical to behavioral. In particular, I focus on the non-AIDS outcomes of HIV including cancer, liver and lung diseases. I also work on related topics with international collaborators, primarily in Africa. My research employs clinical, imaging, and 'omic'  (genetic, epigenetic, proteomic) methods to help understand and identify individuals at greatest risk for clinically relevant outcomes from HIV, HBV and HCV infections. The long-term goal of this research is to translate this information into targeted interventions to help reduce the burden from these infections.

Honors & Awards

1994-1997, American Cancer Society, Physician Training Award in Preventive Medicine

1995, Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society

1996, AMA Glaxo-Wellcome Resident Leadership Award for Outstanding Community Service

1997, Fellowship for Research Training in Cancer, International Agency for Research on Cancer

1998, Visiting Scientist, International Agency for Research on Cancer

2002, American Society of Microbiology, George McCracken Infectious Disease Fellow Award

2002, NIH Fellow’s Award for Research Excellence

2003, Phi Beta Kappa, JHBSPH

2005, Thomas and Carol McCann Innovative Fund for Asthma and Respiratory Disease Award

2005, Gustav J. Martin Innovative Fund for Research on HIV/AIDS Award

2010, 2012  Outstanding Teacher Award, Principles of Epidemiology

2012, Elected Fellow, American College of Epidemiology

2013, Elected Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America

Select Publications
  • Selected Recent Publications

    Greene M†, Covinsky K, Astemborski J, Piggott DA, Brown T, Leng S, Galai N, Mehta SH, Guralnik J, Patel KV, Kirk GD. The relationship of physical performance with HIV disease and mortality: A cohort study.  AIDS; 2014. (In Press)

  • Linas BS†, Latkin C, Westergaard RP, Chang LW, Bollinger RC, Genz A, Kirk GD. Capturing illicit drug use where and when it happens: an ecologic momentary assessment of the social, physical and activity environment of using versus craving illicit drugs. Addiction, 2014. (In Press)

  • Drummond MB†, Kirk GD. HIV-associated lung disease: Recent insights and implications for the clinician. Lancet Respir Med, 2014; 2(7): 583-92.  PMCID: PMC4111094

  • Kirk GD, Linas BS†, Westergaard RP, Piggott D, Bollinger RC, Chang L, Genz A. The EXposure Assessment in Current Time (EXACT) Study: Implementation, feasibility and acceptability of real-time data collection in a community cohort of illicit drug users, AIDS Res Treat, 2013: 594671.  PMCID: PMC3836292  

  • Westergaard RP†, Hess T, Astemborski J, Mehta SH, Kirk GD. Longitudinal changes in engagement in care and viral suppression for HIV-infected injection drug users. AIDS, 2013; 27(16): 2559-66. PMCID: PMC3795966  

Gambia Liver Cancer Study
SOLiD- Uganda
EXACT - EXposure Assessment in Current Time
SHIELD - The Study of HIV Infection in the Etiology of Lung Disease
NIH/Johns Hopkins Bench to Bedside Project: Hepatitis B and HIV Co-Infection
Hepatitis C
HIV Infection, Viral Hepatitis & Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Uganda
HIV and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Uganda: the H2U Consortium
Patient-Oriented Research and Mentorship in HIV and Non-communicable Diseases
ALIVE - AIDS Linked to the IntraVenous Experience
HIV and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Uganda: H2U Consortium