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, ScD

Senior Associate

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Research Interests

Outcome of families of very low birth weight infants; Health delivery systems for preterm and critically ill infants both in the hospital and after discharge home; Physician-parent communication around critical decision-making for fetuses and newborns; Maternal and child health; Prematurity; Neonatology
Experiences & Accomplishments
Dr. Pamela K. Donohue is a Senior Associate in the department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. Her areas of research interest include the outcome of families of very low birth weight infants, health delivery systems for preterm and critically ill infants both in the hospital and after discharge home, and physician-parent communication around critical decision-making for fetuses and newborns.

Dr. Donohue holds and MS/PA degree from the University of Colorado and received her ScD in Maternal and Child Health from the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.

She is a member of the Baltimore City Fetal Infant Mortality Review Committee, and the MCHB Research Review Committee. She writes policy for the American Academy of Physician Assistants as a member of the Professional Practice Council.
Honors & Awards
2021- Teaching excellence award, “Child Health Epidemiology”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; for course content and instruction
2016- Mentor Award; Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; awarded by students
2019-2021- Maternal and Newborn Health”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; for course content and instruction
2014-2017, 2000- Teaching Excellence Award with Donna Strobino PhD, “Clinical Aspects of American Public Health Association Abstract Award, Doctoral Dissertation; Selected for presentation at National APHA meeting
1993- Le JIM d'or, Gynecologie, Le Journal International de Medecin, "Les Chances de la Prematurite." Award for best obstetrics/gynecology article of the year (New England Journal of Medicine 329:1597-1601, 1993).
Select Publications
Peer-reviewed publications * indicates mentored student or post-doctoral student
  • Viscardi RM, Terrin ML, Magder LS, Davis NL, Dulkerian SJ, Waites KB, Allen M, Ajayi-Akintade A, Ambalavanan N, Kaufman DA, Donohue P. Randomized trial of azithromycin to eradicate Ureaplasma respiratory colonization in preterm infants: 2-year outcomes. Pediatric research. 2022 Jan;91(1):178-87.
  • Bernardo J*, Keiser A, Aucott S, Yanek LR, Johnson CT, Donohue P. Early Readmission following NICU Discharges among a National Sample: Associated Factors and Spending. American journal of perinatology. 2021 Oct 11. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1736286
  • Muñoz-Blanco S*, Boss RD, DeCampa LR, Donohue PK. Developing an Audio-based Communication Tool for NICU Discharge of Latino Families with Limited English Proficiency. Patient Education and Counseling. 2021 Oct 9.
  • Shapiro MC, Boss R, Donohue PK, Weiss EM, Madrigal V, Falck A, Henderson CM, on behalf of the Pediatric Chronic Critical Illness Collaborative. A Snapshot of Chronic Critical Illness in Pediatric Intensive Care Units. Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care. 2021 Oct 8. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1736334
  • Fundora JB*, Binenbaum G, Tomlinson L, Yu Y, Ying GS, Maheshwari A, Donohue P. Association of Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis and its Timing with Retinopathy of Prematurity. American Journal of Perinatology. 2021 Aug 3. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1733785
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