Hosted in partnership between the International Conference on Family Planning’s Power Shifting Subcommittee and the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science
The public health field has been engaging in efforts to better understand the historical power dynamics and shift power. Colonialism and its legacy are part of our shared human history. The social structures, funding models, and knowledge generation practices that define global health are rooted in a history of inequality, exploitation, and racism. For the population health community, this is also a history of coercion, population control, and eugenics. Calls to address these legacies continue to fall short, challenging the community to think and act critically to address them. These actions hold the potential to bring historically marginalized individuals to the table as contributors and spur rich conversations about “decolonizing knowledge”.
We aim to create interactive virtual spaces to explore the question: what can we do to shift power and advance equity in population health now?
In the second session we will showcase an example of how power shifting works in practice. We will then draw on the expertise in the room and engage participants to identify actionable next steps that they can take to shift power and advance equity in their organizations and working relationships.