What if you could use Design Thinking to help “map-out” your career path? Join guest speakers Farouk Dey, Vice Provost for Integrative Learning and Life Design, Michelle Jones, Sr. Associate Director of Career Education and Life Design at Carey Business School and Patrick Brugh, Specialist Master in Applied Design at Deloitte Consulting, to learn how to tackle the “wicked” problems of life and vocational wayfinding through Life Design.
- 9:30 am – 11:00 am:
- Life Design 101: Michelle Jones, Opening Remarks: Farouk Dey
- 1:00 – 2:00 pm:
- Audacious Moves and Career Changes: Moving from Higher Education to Consulting: Patrick Brugh
- 3:00 – 3:30 pm:
- Ted Talk “Failing Forward”: Farouk Dey
- Please sign up using the RSVP links in this document.
- All sessions will take place over Zoom. In order to get the Zoom links for each session, completing an RSVP for the day is required.
- JHU affiliates can use Single Sign-On through Brazen to RSVP. Look for "Sign-Up with Johns Hopkins" button. Non-JHU affiliates can RSVP by creating a Brazen account.