Jason E. Goldstick
Director, Statistics & Methods Section
University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center
Research Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Michigan School of Medicine
This presentation will provide an overview of the University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center’s activities to address the opioid epidemic in Michigan. The principal focus will be on the Michigan System for Opioid Overdose Surveillance, a near-real-time data system tracking fatal and nonfatal overdoses across the state created in partnership with the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) of Michigan and the state health department. I will discuss the evolution of the system over the last several years and how we leveraged public health stakeholder relationships across the state to gather feedback and ensure the system is as useful as possible.
This seminar is a part of the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy first term seminar series “How the Injury Control Research Centers are responding to the Opioid Epidemic: Reports from the Front Lines of a Public Health Crisis”.