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Improving Opioid Dispensing Practices to Mitigate Risks and Address Disparities

Department & Center Events

Monday, October 3, 2022, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Past Event

Mara L. Schenker, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Orthopedics
Director of Orthopedic Trauma
Emory University School of Medicine

Nicholas A. Giordano, PhD
Assistant Professor
Emory University School of Medicine

Our team is implementing a multipronged approach to mitigating opioid-related risk while optimizing opioid-sparing multimodal pain management during hospitalization for orthopedic trauma. This presentation will discuss the use of paraprofessionals, known as life care specialists and systems levels approaches to increase naloxone access at one of the largest level 1 trauma centers in the country.

Register to Attend via Zoom

This seminar is a part of the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy first term seminar series “How the Injury Control Research Centers are responding to the Opioid Epidemic: Reports from the Front Lines of a Public Health Crisis”.

Contact Info

Kathryn Sorg