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CoursePlus Refresher Workshop

Career & Professional Events & Workshops

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
Past Event

This is a recurring workshop that CTL typically offers at the start of the academic term. It is geared toward those already familiar with the editing role (faculty, TA, staff) in CoursePlus, addressing some of the frequently asked questions as determined by CTL Help and the Instructional Design Team. In this offering, we will focus on reviewing the following CoursePlus tools: Faculty Tools, Syllabus, Class Groups, Signup Sheets, Discussion Forum, Survey, Quiz Generator, Gradebook, and other new features of CoursePlus.

We also recommend that the faculty guides and handouts for student CoursePlus direction on our Toolkit Shelf also be reviewed.

This workshop is virtual (via Zoom). Registration is required.


Contact Info

Lu Yang