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Introduction to Methods for Health Services Research and Evaluation II

4th Term
Health Policy and Management
Academic Year
2024 - 2025
Instruction Method
Asynchronous Online with Some Synchronous Online
Auditors Allowed
Available to Undergraduate
Grading Restriction
Letter Grade or Pass/Fail
Course Instructor(s)
Contact Name
Frequency Schedule
Every Year

Introduction to Online Learning and 309.616.81.

Introduces basic methods for undertaking research and program evaluation within health services organizations and systems, and reviews major completed studies. Topics include the relationship between health services research (HSR) and health care policy and management; the multidisciplinary philosophy of HSR; research design, including experimental and quasi-experimental approaches; issues of reliability, validity, and measurement; survey research techniques; use of existing data systems; basic cost benefit and effectiveness analysis; and measurement of quality of care. Students critique published HSR studies and develop a design for a research or evaluation project.
Learning Objectives
Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  1. Critique published health services research and health program evaluations
  2. Develop a design for a research or evaluation project
  3. Describe the relationship between health services research and program evaluation
  4. Identify differences between basic and policy-relevant health services research projects and program evaluation
  5. Develop a conceptual framework for a study, showing the hypothesized causal variables and the expected outcomes
  6. Identify different types of study design, including observational, pre-experimental and experimental designs, and their inherent threats to internal and external validity
  7. Describe the basic issues related to measurement of variables
  8. Identify problems with measurement reliability and validity
  9. Identify aspects of quality of care and its measurement as they relate to health services research projects
  10. Discuss how survey research is used in health services research and evaluation, in terms of choice of sampling techniques, determination of sample size, and approaches to writing survey questions
  11. Demonstrate discuss of the basic concepts of cost benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis
  12. Utilize secondary data and existing information sources in research projects
Methods of Assessment
This course is evaluated as follows:
  • 30% Midterm
  • 45% Final Exam
  • 25% Lab Assignments
Special Comments

Part I necessitates enrollment in Part II; grades given at end of Part II.