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Principles of Clinical Epidemiology

Kyoto, Japan
4th Term
Academic Year
2023 - 2024
Instruction Method
Start Date
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
End Date
Friday, March 22, 2024
Class Time(s)
Wednesday, 1:30 - 5:00pm
Thursday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Auditors Allowed
Available to Undergraduate
Grading Restriction
Letter Grade or Pass/Fail
Course Instructor(s)
Contact Name
Frequency Schedule
One Year Only
Next Offered
Only offered in 2023

340.721 Epidemiologic Inference 1 or 340.601 Principles of Epidemiology

Presents lectures and interactive sessions designed to expose students to basic principles of clinical epidemiology and introduce key methods utilized in clinical outcomes research. Focuses on principles and methods in clinical epidemiology which would be most utilized by clinicians/clinician researchers for screening and diagnosis of illness as well as for prognostication and decision-making.
Learning Objectives
Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  1. Describe how epidemiological methods are applied to medicine and how scientific evidence drive decision on clinical practice.
  2. Draw a ROC curve to understand and estimate the effect and implications of different cutoff points in diagnostic test
  3. Evaluate the performance of diagnostic tests taking into account characteristics of the test (sensitivity, specificity, etc.), potential outcomes and the features of the population (prevalence of disease and risk factors)
  4. Describe key factors for deciding optimal outcome measures for a clinical study
  5. Describe advantages and disadvantages of clinical trials and observational studies for evaluating treatment effects
  6. Build a decision analysis tree based on probabilities and see how different outcomes influence the decision making in clinical settings
Methods of Assessment
This course is evaluated as follows:
  • 15% Participation
  • 60% Homework
  • 25% Final Project
Enrollment Restriction
Enrollment restricted to students in the Kyoto MPH cohorts