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Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Course Status

East Baltimore
Summer Institute
Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Academic Year
2022 - 2023
Instruction Method
Hybrid In-person and Asynchronous Online
Auditors Allowed
Available to Undergraduate
Grading Restriction
Contact Name
Frequency Schedule
One Year Only
Do you envision yourself facilitating health system change? Are you curious about the skills needed to identify leverage points for change? To negotiate so all sides benefit? Then this course is for you.
Introduces principles of strategic leadership in the context of facilitating health systems change in low resource settings. Introduces mental models and the household production of health, systems thinking and strategic leverage, personal mastery and commitment to change, action-learning principles and practice, shared vision and creative tension, the theory of constraints and root cause analysis, strategy design and key moves, implementation with accountability, and linking data to action. Develops leadership skills via interactive workbook exercises, small group work and class presentations.
Learning Objectives
Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  1. Recognize the importance of self reflection to clarify one’s values and purpose in life, and understand how one’s mindset (world mental models) shapes the reality that one observes
  2. Describe the features of systems thinking and identify leverage points for change
  3. Explain strategies for engaging stakeholders at every level in coalitions to generate a shared vision of a better future
  4. Identify strategies to build action-learning teams based on shared goals and values, mutual respect, and a willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes
Methods of Assessment
This course is evaluated as follows:
  • 40% Participation
  • 20% Reflection
  • 40% Group Project(s)