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Faculty and Staff

Core Faculty

Albert Wu, MD, MPH

CHSOR Director

Albert Wu is Fred and Juliet Soper Professor and Director of CHSOR. He also directs the Masters of Applied Science in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality, and Strategic Collaborations for the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. His work focuses on the impact of safety problems on patients and health care workers, patient reported outcomes assessment, and comparative effectiveness and community engaged research.

Jodi Segal, MD, MPH

CHSOR Associate Director

Jodi Segal is Professor of Medicine, Co-Director of CHSOR, and Co-Director of the Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness. Her research focuses on the appropriateness and value of health care, pharmacoepidemiology, comparative effectiveness research, and the learning health care system.

Jill Marsteller, PhD, MPP

CHSOR Associate Director

Jill Marsteller is Professor of Health Policy and Management, co-director of CHSOR, and Director of Research for the Armstrong Institute. She is an expert on organizational behavior and theory and conducts research applied to teamwork, equity, quality and safety in care delivery.

Eric Bass, MD, MPH


Eric Bass is Professor of Medicine, Director of the Johns Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center, and CEO of the Society for General Internal Medicine. He is also the Director of the medical school course on Foundations of Public Health, and is a Co-Director of the medical school's Scholarly Concentration in Public Health and Community Service. His research focuses on evidence based medicine, comparative effectiveness research, and community health partnerships.

Zack Berger, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Zack Berger is Associate Professor of Medicine and Health, Behavior & Society. His research centers on uncertainty and shared decision-making, bridging evidence, ethics, and preferences.

Lee Bone, RN, MPH

Associate Professor

Lee Bone, is Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Society. Her work focuses on achieving sustainable changes in the context of urban health and chronic disease thorugh community based participatory research.

Emily Boss, MD, MPH


Emily Boss is Professor of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery with a focus on pediatric otolaryngology. Her clinical expertise is in pediatric ENT. Her research interests are in experience of care, family-centered care, patient-provider communication, shared decision-making, healthcare disparities, and surgical utilization.

Emmanuel Drabo, PhD

Assistant Professor

Emmanuel Drabo is Assistant Professor and health economist. He applies economic epidemiology, health services research, and systems science methods to assess the value of public health interventions, including those related to HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer disease, and health disparities.

Vadim Dukhanin, MD, MHS

Assistant Scientist

Vadim Dukhanin is Assistant Scientist whose research focuses on patient, caregiver, and public engagement in healthcare delivery, priority setting, and performance management.

Sydney Dy, MD, MSc


Sydney Dy is Professor of Health Policy and Management and Medicine. Her research focuses on quality of care for serious illness, palliative care, and patient safety, with a strong emphasis on patient-centered care and healthcare quality improvement.

Michael Ellenbogen, MD

Assistant Professor

Michael Ellenbogen is Assistant Professor of Medicine, specializing in Hospital Medicine. His research focuses on high value health care, variations in care, and big data in medicine.

Yea-Jen Hsu, PhD, MHA

Assistant Scientist

Yea-Jen Hsu is Associate Research Professor in Health Policy and Management. Her research focuses on program evaluation, improving patient safety and quality of care, implementation science, and innovative care delivery models.

Hadi Kharrazi, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Hadi Kharrazi is Associate Professor and co-director of the Center for Population Health IT (CPHIT). His research is on the role of data science, informatics, and predictive models in managing healthcare utilization and improving health outcomes, as well as on social determinants of health.

Joe Levy, PhD

Assistant Professor

Joe Levy is Assistant Professor and health economist who works on methods and policy to improve value-based decision making in healthcare. His research interests included cost effectiveness analysis, applied microeconomics and patient outcomes, drug pricing and orthopedic trauma.


Kathryn McDonald, PhD, MM

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Kathy McDonald is Bloomberg Distinguished Professor with appointments in the Schools of Nursing and Medicine. She co-director of the Center for Diagnostic Excellence who studies patient safety and what makes for high-quality and safe healthcare dlelivery systems.

Craig Pollack, MD, MHA

Katey Ayers Endowed Associate Professor

Craig Pollack is Katey Ayers Endowed Professor of Nursing and Health Policy and Management. He conducts research at the intersection of housing and health to inform policies that help people live in safe and affordable homes. He also studies social determinants of health and cancer health services.

Dan Polsky, PhD

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Dan Polsky is Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in the Carey Business School and Health Policy and Management, and Director of the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative. His research focuses on access to affordable, quality healthcare through innovations in health insurance design, coverage and payment.

Elizabeth Skinner, MSW

Senior Scientist

Elizabeth Ann Skinner is Senior Scientist. She is an expert on survey research methods and human subjects research. She conducts research on patient reported outcomes, health services, and quality of care.

Claire Snyder, PhD


Claire Snyder is Professor of Medicine and Oncology, and Director of BLOCS (Building Lifestyle, Outcomes, and Care Services in Cancer. Her research focuses on patient reported outcomes assessment, cancer survivorship, and quality of care in cancer.

Donald Steinwachs, PhD

Professor - Emeritus

Donald Steinwach is Professor Emeritus, past Director of the Health Services Reseach and Development Center (now CHSOR), past Chair of Health Policy and Management. His research focused on mental health services, patient outcomes and outcomes management systems, and health management information systems.


Jonathan Weiner, DrPH


Jonathan P. Weiner is Professor and Director of the Center for Population Health Information Technology. His research interests are in Health Services Research and Evaluation & Health Care Policy Analysis and in Information Technology as applied to Public Health/ Population Health. He is lead investigator for the Johns Hopkins ACG System.

Christine Weston, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Christine Weston is Associate Scientist who conducts research in program evaluation, health equity, social determinants of health, and the development of community-academic partnerships. She was Director of Evaluation for the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.

Renée Wilson, MS

Research Associate


Renee Wilson is Senior Research Associate and Senior Research Program Manager at the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center. Her research focuses on the use of systematic review methods and management of multidisciplinary projects.

Jennifer Wolff, PhD

Eugene and Mildred Lipitz Professor

Jennifer Wolff is Eugene and Mildred Lipitz Professor and Director of the Roger C Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care. Her research focuses on advancing policies and programs that improve the quality of care and quality of life of older adults with complex health needs and their caregivers.

Christina Yuan, PhD, MPH

Assistant Scientist

Christina Yuan is Associate Research Professor and a health care management researcher. She uses mixed methods to study the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices to improve care delivery and quality

Affiliated Faculty

Caleb Alexander, MD, MS


Caleb Alexander is Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine and Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness. He has expertise in pharmacoepidemiolgy and regulatory policy. His research focuses on maximizing the use, safety, and effectiveness of prescription medicine.

Alicia Arbaje, MD, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor

Alicia Arbaje is Associate Professor of Medicine and director of Transitional Care Research. Her research focuses on designing health care systems to enhance safety and improve outcomes for older adults, including efforts to age in place.

Ge Bai, PhD, CPA



Ge Bai is Professor of Accounting at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. She conducts research on health care accounting, finance, and policy.

Mary Catherine Beach, MD, MPH


Mary Catherine Beach is Professor of Medicine, and Core Faculty in the Berman Institute of Bioethics. Her research focuses on respect and relationships in healthcare, including communication between patients and clinicians.

Dan Brotman, MD

John A. Flynn Professor

Dan Brotman is Professor of Medicine and Director of the Division of Hospital Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital, His resaerch focuses on patient safety and quality improvement in hospital-based care.

Edward Bunker, MPH, MS

Research Associate

Edward Bunker is Research Associate in the Bioinformatics & Data Science section of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and member of the Johns Hopkins Center for Population Health IT. His work focuses on public health informatics, particularly in the use of data systems to improve health outcomes.

Renan Castillo, PhD

Associate Professor

Renan Castillo is Professor and leads the METRC consortium which conducts clinical trials and observational cohorts to study trauma, orthopedics, and disability. His research interest include trauma outcomes, pain, structural equation modeling, health disparities, cognitive behavioral therapy, and self management interventions.

David Chin, MD, MBA

Distinguished Scholar

David Chin is Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Health Policy and Management. His expertise includes management consulting, executive education, and health system management. His work focuses on transforming health systems and academic medical center for success under value-based health care models.

Lilly Engineer, DrPH, MD, MHA

Assistant Professor

Lilly Engineer is Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, and Associate Director of the the DrPH Program for HPM. She trains healthcare professionals in healthcare management, leadership, and patient safety and quality.

Kevin Frick, PhD


Kevin Frick is Professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. His research is on cost-effectiveness studies to bring tools of economic decision making to policy-makers.

Elliott Haut, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Elliott Haut is Professor of Surgery and Vice Chair of Quality, Safety & Service. His research focuses on patient safety, quality improvement, and prevention of venous thromboembolism.

Chidinma Ibe, PhD

Assistant Professor

Chidinma Ibe is Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director of Community Enagement for the Center for Health Equity. Her research focuses on health equity, community engagement in healthcare, and community health workers.

Adam Seth Levine, PhD, MA

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute Associate Professor


Adam Seth Levine is Stavros Niarchos Foundation Agora Institute Associate Professor at Health Policy and Management. He studies how and when people with diverse forms of knowledge, expertise, and lived experience collaborate to improve community and public health.

Bruce Leff, MD


Bruce Leff is prominent Professor of Medicine specializing in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. His work focuses on the development, evaluation, and dissemination of novel models of care for older adults, including Hospital at Home, Guided Care, and medical house call practices.

Ellen Mackenzie, PhD

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Dean, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Ellen MacKenzie is Bloomberg Distinguished Professor and Dean of the Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is a renowned research on improving trauma care systems and policy.

Henry Michtalik, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Henry Michtalik is Assistant Professor of Medicine and Hospitalist physician. His research focuses on physician workload and healthcare efficiency and their relationship to patient outcomes and clinician burnout.

Christopher Myers, PhD

Associate Professor

Christopher Myers is Associate Professor of Management and Organization, and Director of the Center for Innovative Leadership at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. His research focuses on individual learning, leadership development, and innovation, with attention to how people learn vicariously and share knowledge in health care organizations.

Najlla Nassery, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Najlla Nassery is Assistant Professor of Medicine. Her research interests include health services research, variations in health care resource utilization, and health economics.


Samantha Pitts, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Samantha Pitts is Assistant Professor of Medicine and Associate Vice Chair for Ambulatory Quality and Safety for the Department of Medicine. Her research interests include ambulatory patient safety and quality, the application of CUSP in office based practices, and improving delivery of evidence-based care through clinical care teams.

Tanjala Purnell, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Tanjala Purnell is Associate Professor of Epidemiology. She uses epidemiology and health services research to advance equity in transplantation and related conditions, including kidney diseases, hypertension, and diabetes


Lisa Reider, PhD

Assistant Professor

Lisa Reider is Assistant Professor and Associate Director for the Coordinating Center of the Major Extremity Trauma and Rehabilitation Consortium (METRC). Her work focuses on orthopedic trauma treatment and outcomes in older adults with a focus on rehabilitation, physical function, and the impact of trauma.

Suchi Saria, PhD, MSc

John C. Malone Associate Professor

Suchi Saria is John C. Malone Associate Professor of Computer Science, and Research Director of the Malone Center for Engineering and Healthcare. She is Founder and CEO of Bayesian Health. Her research focuses on machine learning, computational health informatice, and predictive modeling in healthcare.

Kenneth Shermock, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ken Shermock is Faculty Associate and Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy at Johns Hopkins Hospital. His work focuses on medication safety and quality in the hospital setting.

Richard Skolasky, MA, ScD

Associate Professor

Richard Skolasky, Jr is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vice Chair of Rsearch and director of the Spine Outcomes Research Center and Vice Chair of Research. His research focuses on spine surgery, patient reported outcomes, chronic pain, health services, and health disparities.

Eric Slade, PhD


Eric Slade is Professor of Nursing and health economist with expertise in public insurance programs, serious mental illness, preventive interventions, and advanced econometric methods for causal inference. He uses surveys and large administrative datasets to assess how health care financing systems and policies influence service use, costs, and health outcomes.

Sarah Szanton, PhD, MSN

Endowed Professor for Health Equity and Social Justice
Dean, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

Sarah Szanton is the Patricia M. Davidson Professor for Health Equity and Social Justice and Dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. He research focuses on improving health equity, and policies related to health. Her CAPABLE program has helped older adults age in community.

Anisha Paul

Research Associate

Anisha Paul is Research Associate with a clinical foundation in Dentistry. Her work focuses on health econonmics and outcomes research.

Emily Kumpf

Research Associate

Emily Kumpf is a Research Associate with her work focusing on injury and violence prevention, mental health advocacy, and community based participatory research.

Ellesse Akré

Assistant Professor

Elless Akré is Assistant Professor. She is an interdisciplinary health services researcher and health equity scholar with expertise in understanding and measuring structural racism, sexism, and heterosexism in health care and in health systems, and their causal relationship to access and utilization disparities.

Elyse Lasser

Elyse Lasser is Assistant Research Professor. Her research focuses on social and behavioral determinants of health, focusing on utilizing digital data to improve population health.

Jeremy Epstein

Assistant Professor

Dr. Jeremy Epstein is an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Ravi Gupta

Assistant Professor

Dr. Gupta, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins, researches FDA regulation, pharmacoepidemiology, and the determinants of health, including the opioid epidemic. He also focuses on private provision of public services and aging, particularly Alzheimer's care.

Jack Iwashyna

Assistant Professor

Dr. Jack Iwashyna is a critical care physician and researcher focused on the long-term impacts of critical illness, particularly sepsis, on patients' lives and how organizational environments affect care effectiveness. His work aims to improve survivors' health outcomes by integrating social and health safety nets, and he collaborates internationally to enhance sepsis treatment and support family and community recovery factors.

Staff Members