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CHSOR Partners

At CHSOR, we pride ourselves on our extensive collaborations with esteemed institutions and centers, each contributing uniquely to the realm of health services and outcomes research. Our foundational partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health exemplifies our shared commitment to global health solutions and pioneering research. The Department of Health Policy and Management and the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System further enhance our research capabilities, focusing on policy options, health care delivery, and top-tier medical care.

Our collaborations extend to the Division of General Internal Medicine and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, both of which offer unparalleled expertise in patient care, education, and research. The Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACG) Systems and the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality are instrumental in advancing patient-centered care and safety protocols.

Centers like the Roger and Flo Lipitz Center to Advance Policy in Aging and Disability, The Johns Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), and the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions are at the forefront of health care innovation, focusing on comprehensive care, evidence-based practices, and health disparity solutions. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity and the Surgical Outcomes Research Center (SOURCE) further our mission by addressing health inequities and improving surgical outcomes.

Our commitment to community engagement is evident through our association with Baltimore CONNECT, a collaborative effort to enhance social and healthcare services in Baltimore. Additionally, our partnerships with centers like The Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Building Lifestyle, Outcomes, and Care Services Research in Cancer (BLOCS), and the Center for Population Health Information Technology (CPHIT) reflect our diverse research interests and our dedication to improving health outcomes on both local and global scales.

Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality

The Armstrong Institute seeks to partner with patients, their loved ones and all interested parties to end preventable harm, continuously improve patient outcomes and experience, and eliminate waste in healthcare. It achieves this by advancing the science of improvement, building capacity to improve, and implementing and evaluating interventions.

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Baltimore CONNECT

Baltimore CONNECT is a 501(c)(3) network of community-based social service organizations and faculty and staff at Johns Hopkins working together to better link social and healthcare services across Baltimore.

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Building Lifestyle, Outcomes, and Care Services Research in Cancer (BLOCS)

The program for “Building Lifestyle, Outcomes, and Care Services Research in Cancer (BLOCS)” was formed to create a community for researchers and clinicians, staff and trainees, to pursue behavioral, outcomes, and health services research projects in cancer. By establishing collaborations and developing career pathways for leaders and mentees, BLOCS aims to strengthen research and progress on these topics at the local level, with impacts nationally and internationally.

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Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness

The Center seeks to improve the safe and effective use of medications by bringing together researchers at Johns Hopkins to accomplish a fourfold mission – training, research, patient care and public service – towards best medication practices.

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The Department of Health Policy and Management

The Department of Health Policy and Management is focused on identifying and implementing policy options that protect the health of populations; developing strategies that improve access, financing, organization, and delivery of preventive and curative health services, particularly as they affect the most vulnerable; and identifying strategies for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the health care system in addressing the most pressing medical and mental health problems.

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Economic Evaluation Consulting Service

Director: Kevin Frick

Division of General Internal Medicine

The Division provides international leadership in patient care, education, and patient-oriented research. The Division's members pride themselves on teamwork, diversity, mentorship, transparency, creativity, and commitment.

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The Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACG) Systems

Adjusted Clinical Groups offer a unique approach to measuring morbidity that improves accuracy and fairness in evaluating provider performance, identifying patients at high risk, forecasting healthcare utilization and setting equitable payment rates. 

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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is dedicated to advancing research, education and practice to create solutions to public health problems around the world.

Every day, the Bloomberg School works to keep millions around the world safe from illness and injury by pioneering new research, deploying knowledge in the field and educating tomorrow’s public health leaders.

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The Johns Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC)

The Evidence-Based Practice Center (EPC) produces comprehensive systematic reviews of important medical topics using interdisciplinary teams that integrate clinical expertise with expertise in evidence-based methods, including meta-analysis, decision analysis, benefit-harms analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. The EPC also collaborates with other national EPCs and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality programs to advance the methodology of systematic reviews, their transparency, and their use in dissemination and translation of findings.

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The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System

Johns Hopkins Medicine is a recognized leader in patient care, medical research and teaching, and is known for its excellent faculty, nurses and staff specializing in every aspect of medical care. Johns Hopkins Medicine includes six academic and community hospitals, four suburban health care and surgery centers, more than 30 primary health care outpatient sites, as well as programs for national and international patient activities.

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Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)

The Institute is one of more than 60 medical research institutions working together as a national consortium to improve the way biomedical research is conducted across the country.

The Institute addresses obstacles in translating basic science discoveries into research in humans, translating clinical discoveries into the community and communicating experience from clinical practice back to researchers.

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The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is dedicated to educating medical students, scientists, health care professionals and the public; conducting biomedical research; and providing patient-centered medicine to prevent, diagnose and treat human illness.

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The Roger and Flo Lipitz Center to Advance Policy in Aging and Disability

The Roger and Flo Lipitz Center to Advance Policy in Aging and Disability is committed to improving the health and quality of life for people with complex health care needs by discovering and disseminating practical, cost-effective approaches to providing comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate health care to chronically ill people and their families.

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The Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions

The Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions brings together the health research and program development resources of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes (schools of Public Health, Medicine, and Nursing) to demonstrate the efficacy of public health, social science and medical science in mitigating health disparities. We do this through efforts in research, training and community outreach. The Center has a national focus, but much of our work takes place in the local Baltimore community.

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The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity

The Center focuses on promoting equity in health and healthcare for socially vulnerable populations who are at risk for inequities in health across a variety of conditions. The Center also focuses on removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care. The Center accomplishes its mission through advancing scientific knowledge, educating and training scholars, engaging and partnering with communities, raising public awareness of health inequities, and advocating for changes in clinical and public health practice and policy.

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Johns Hopkins Center for Population Health Information Technology (CPHIT)

The Center for Population Health IT seeks to improve the health and well-being of populations by advancing the state-of-the-art of Health IT across public and private health organizations and systems. CPHIT collaborates with a variety of experts to develop new and innovative ways to identify, treat, and care for populations. Research priorities focus on the development and testing of HIT based measures for community-wide health status, risk, and need as well as measures for better quality of care.

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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) ACME Matching Service

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Health Equity Scholars for Action Program (HES4A) supports the career development and academic advancement of health equity researchers from historically underrepresented groups. The Accelerating Collaborations for Mentoring and Equity (ACME) team at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health partners with RWJF to match these scholars with mentors. 

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Surgical Outcomes Research Center (SOURCE)

The Surgical Outcomes Research Center (SOURCE) is dedicated to improving patient safety and outcomes through furthering knowledge and increasing the efficiency of musculoskeletal care. SOURCE is a multidisciplinary group committed to improving patient outcomes and applying high quality and purposeful research to professional practice.

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The Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research

Through its educational programs and its research, the Welch Center promotes the application of rigorous methods to conduct clinical, epidemiologic, and translational research of the highest quality. The Center's faculty includes physicians with a keen interest in public health and epidemiologists with a deep appreciation of clinical factors that influence health outcomes.

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