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PFRH Goes to Barcelona

Mary Alice Yeskey

In November 2024, PFRH's Terri Powell and Beth Marshall were invited to teach their course, Children in Crisis: An Asset-Based Approach to Working with Vulnerable Youth, as part of the Hopkins Fall Institute (HFI). The HFI provides a unique opportunity for public health students and professionals to take short-term, intensive educational courses and workshops in various public health disciplines. Housed at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the HFI is jointly sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (Barcelona Public Health Agency). 

Over three months, Powell and Marshall partnered with Esther Sanchez to reimagine the eight-week course as a three-day offering in Barcelona. Despite the six-hour time difference, the 12 students—six from the U.S. and six from abroad—received all course content and heard from guest speakers in Baltimore and Barcelona who used asset-based approaches in their work.

Many thanks to all who helped make the course a success! 

For Bloomberg School students who missed them in Barcelona, feel free to take the course in Baltimore during third term!