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Student Spotlight: Malique Webb


Meet Malique Webb

  • Degree Program: MSPH
  • Area of Interest: Maternal, Fetal and Perinatal Health
  • Program Entry Year: 2023
  • Hometown: Linstead, Jamaica
  • Previous Degree(s) Earned: BS in Public Health, St. Augustine's University
  • Fun fact: I like to prepare a variety of foods, including traditional Jamaican cuisine; for me, cooking while listening to music is a little escape. In my spare time, I also take part in Jamaican TikTok dancing challenges.

What sparked your interest in public health? 

My extended family raised me in a household where taking care of others was always expected of me. Knowing that I might be of help gave me immense happiness and satisfaction. My enthusiasm for the healthcare industry grew because of these duties. Before completing my undergrad studies, a professor left a mark saying, “It's wonderful to see more underrepresented women in the field of public health”. That statement stuck with me and has been one of my driving forces.

 I have never been a part of a school or department that is so wholesome, caring and encouraging. My advisers have played an important role in my journey so far and because of them I am able to live my dream.

Why did you choose Bloomberg School of Public Health? 

I chose Bloomberg because it has always been my dream school. Everything has become more achievable since coming to the U.S. to pursue my studies, so I am happy to know that I am here.  

What led you to join the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health? 

In that same conversation I had with my undergrad professor, we discussed the importance of having diverse advocates, and how important it is to have more women with different backgrounds stand up for those with or without a voice. The PopFam department seemed like the best fit to nurture me into the public health leader I hope to become.


What is one experience in PFRH that stands out as a favorite or most memorable? 

The family-like environment stood out the most for me. Being thousands of miles away from home, this is something I yearned for in an institution. I have never been a part of a school or department that is so wholesome, caring and encouraging. My advisors have played an important role in my journey so far and because of them I am able to live my dream.


What do you hope to do or accomplish after graduation? 

I would love to work for the CDC. I do hope to secure something in research or planning development with pregnancy complications or pediatric vaccine development and safety.


What are some of your favorite places or aspects of living in Baltimore?

I enjoy going down to the harbor to bask in their seafood cuisines and other fine restaurants to increase my food palate. 

What advice do you have for prospective students interested in joining the PFRH community? 

The biggest advice I can give, which I am trying to live by, is to: Embark on this journey, make use of all the resources given, network, talk to as many individuals, and enjoy the experiences while learning. I believe this is a once in a lifetime experience.