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Gun Violence in Baltimore and Beyond


Dear Colleagues, 

This weekend, two people were killed and 28 wounded in a shooting at a block party in Baltimore’s Brooklyn neighborhood. Most of the victims were teenagers. Our hearts are with all of those who are left grieving and traumatized by this violent act. And sadly, this was just one of many incidents of tragic gun violence in the U.S. this weekend.  

We cannot let ourselves grow numb to gun violence, and we must remain committed to addressing the growing rates(link is external) of gun-related deaths across our nation. While we don’t know all the facts at play in this tragic shooting, we do know the conditions that facilitate gun violence: ready access to firearms, disinvestment in communities due to structural racism, and social norms that promote violence. 

The Bloomberg School’s Center for Gun Violence Solutions (CGVS) works to understand and advance evidence-based solutions(link is external), which include working with community partners. A recent study by CGVS demonstrated that Safe Streets Baltimore, a public health-based community violence intervention program, can reduce gun violence, and that more investments are needed in communities that are scarred by structural racism. The problems are deep, but public health approaches can save lives and prevent tragedies. We must continue to support research, engagement, and advocacy to advance progress on this urgent issue.  

As we mark Independence Day tomorrow, we must remember the lives lost and the families and communities shattered by gun violence. Each shooting reminds us how important it is to press forward with the work of building a healthier, safer nation that is free from these tragedies.  


Ellen MacKenzie Signature

Ellen J. MacKenzie, PhD ’79, ScM ’75
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Cassandra Crifasi, PhD '14, MPH
Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions 
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Joshua M. Horwitz, JD
Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Dana Feitler Professor in Gun Violence Prevention and Advocacy
Professor of the Practice, Department of Health Policy and Management
Daniel Webster, ScD ’91, MPH
Distinguished Research Scholar
Bloomberg Professor of American Health
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management