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Get to Know Shilva Shrestha

Shilva Shrestha, PhD,  is an assistant professor with a primary appointment in the Whiting School of Engineering.

Nicole Hughes

Faculty Q&A: Shilva Shrestha, PhD

What are your research and teaching interests?  
My research broadly focuses on developing bioengineered systems including biofilm bioreactors and microbial co-culture fermentation systems, for wastewater treatment and sustainable production of biofuels and biochemicals. I teach EHE courses such as Engineering Microbiology and Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment. Besides providing a deep understanding of engineering and biological principles, I am also enthusiastic about helping students understand the real-world implications of what they learn in the class and the interconnectedness of environmental health and engineering with other disciplines.

Environmental engineers have a unique opportunity to address some of the biggest environmental challenges ...

What's something about your research/field that you're excited to share with students? 
We as environmental engineers have a unique opportunity to address some of the biggest environmental challenges we are facing today and make global impacts. In addition to the technical side of our research,
I hope to show the broader societal impacts of our work to the students and also highlight the highly interdisciplinary nature of our field.

What drew you to EHE? 
I believe the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at JHU is one of the unique departments in the U.S. that leverages the strength of public health and environmental engineering and provides a conducive environment for interdisciplinary research. This will definitely open up diverse research opportunities and enable me to tackle environmental problems from multiple angles.

Tell us about something you’re proud of accomplishing. 
My journey from being an international student who came to the U.S. to pursue her master’s degree to now becoming an assistant professor has been such a transformative and fulfilling experience. I am proud and grateful for the journey I have undertaken to get to where I am today.

What do you like to do outside of work? 
I enjoy drawing, reading books, and hiking.

Learn more about Shilva's research!