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International Health Faculty Receive Public Health Practice Awards from the Bloomberg School


The Office of Public Health Practice and Training at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health annually recognizes faculty, staff, and students who demonstrate outstanding public health contributions. The awards honor a practice effort that has made or has great potential to make a sustained impact on a health-related outcome. This year, the Bloomberg School added a special COVID-19 impact award to highlight COVID-19 response work in addition to all the ongoing practice contributions by faculty, staff, and students at the Bloomberg School. 

Faculty in the Department of International Health received awards in the following categories:

Excellence in Baltimore Public Health Practice (awarded in collaboration with SOURCE)

Lois Privor-Dumm, senior research associate, International Health: Collaboration with the Baltimore City Health Department, Morgan State University and other partners to help increase adult influenza immunization rates in Baltimore City via the Vaccine Access and Acceptance Lives in Unity, Education (VALUE) Baltimore project.

Excellence in International Public Health Practice

Chizoba Wonodi, associate scientist, International Health: Evidence generation and translation to inform COVID-19 and global immunization policy and practice in Nigeria via key roles in the COVID-19 Vaccine Research Ethics (COVER) project, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership Project, and the Nigerian national technical working group on COVID-19 vaccine introduction.

Excellence in U.S. COVID-19 Public Health Practice

COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Training for the Pandemic Response Workforce. Tashrik Ahmed, associate faculty, and Tolbert Nyenswah, senior research associate, International Health, are on the winning team along with Emily Gurley, Brooke Jarrett, Sharon McDonnell, Jonathan Zenilman, and the staff of the Center for Teaching and Learning. Partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies to create the COVID-19 Contact Tracing free massive open online course to train contact tracers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Excellence in International COVID-19 Public Health Practice

Gender & COVID-19. Rosemary Morgan, associate scientist, International Health and Erica Rosser, research associate, International Health are on the winning team along with IH alumna Christina Memmott, and Heang-Lee Tan. Collaboration with UN Women to identify and document the gendered dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak and response measures around the world to provide policy guidance and recommendations for public health interventions.

Read more about the projects and see the rest of the Bloomberg School’s practice award recipients here.