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Patient Safety

Researcher looking at a test tube

The Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research is delighted to share its experience in Patient Safety research. Below are the featured examples of projects currently conducted by our faculty or successfully finalized and published:


Thriving Together: Supporting resilience in the healthcare workforce

To adapt and implement three evidence-based and informed resources: The RISE peer support model, the MESH collaborative support service model, and Crisis leadership training, in hospitals and ambulatory practices including those serving rural and medically underserved communities.

Safety Program In Perinatal Care-ii Phase 2

The program focuses on revising phase 1 tools, their field testing and finalizing, and implementation and evaluation of the integrated program.


Rise – Resilience In Stressful Events

A peer-support program to provide psychological first aid and emotional support to health care workers who are “second victims” of stressful patient-related events is being evaluated.


Prevention Of Clot In Orthopaedic Trauma

Investigates the effectiveness of LMWH and Aspirin in preventing death and clinically important pulmonary blood clots as well compares patient satisfaction and out-of-pocket costs.


What Is Patient Safety In The Medical Home?

A mixed-methods study evaluating how patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) are addressing ambulatory safety across four key domains through data from multiple perspectives, including patient input.


Linking Blood Stream Infections To Intensive Care Nursing Context Of Care And Process

A multifaceted intervention in two intensive care units demonstrated a causal relationship to reduced central line-associated bloodstream infections.


Making Healthcare Safer IV

This project offers the latest evidence on patient safety practices to health systems and safety leaders. Areas reviewed include opioid stewardship, rapid response systems, family caregiver engagement, infection prevention, clinical decision support, implicit bias training, sepsis intervention, and more.