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2023 Chesapeake AIHA & ASSP Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health And Environmental Issues

Thursday, March 16, 2023
8:00 am - 4:45 pm

Johns Hopkins University APL

Kossiakoff Center(link is external)
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, Maryland 20723-6099

Presented by

The American Society of Safety Professionals Chesapeake Chapter and
The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section together and
 The American Industrial Hygiene Association Local Potomac Section with
The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health


Contact Matt Koss at if you would like to become an exhibitor. 


Early Bird Rate (before February 28, 2023)

  • In Person & Virtual: $99.00
  • Group Rate (5 or more): $75.00 ea

Regular Rate (after February 28, 2023)

  • In Person & Virtual: $125.00 
  • Group Rate (5 or more): 125.00 ea

Student Rate

  • In Person & Virtual: $25.00 

PLEASE NOTE: Cut off date for switching your registration is March 9, 2023. There is a 10% fee for switching your registration status from Virtual to In-person or from In-person to Virtual.


  • $250.00
    • includes 1 free registration
    • Advertisement on this page and local AIHA and local ASSP pages

Contact Matt Koss at for more information. 

Continuing Education Credits

Safety Professionals

  • ASSP has approved this seminar for 0.6 CEU.

Industrial Hygienists

  • 6.0 technical contact hours (or CEU value) for this event. Please see the Board for Global EHS Credentialing website here(link is external) for more information. 
  • This event is worth 6.0 technical contact hours (or CEU value).


  • 6.0 contact hours have been approved from the Washington DC Board of Nursing



A special thank you to our exhibitors! Please make sure to visit them during breaks to learn more.

Law Office of Adele L. Abrams PC

The Law Office of Adele L. Abrams PC is a full service law firm, focusing on occupational and mine safety and health, employment, and environmental law.

Our attorneys are admitted to practice in Maryland, Colorado, Washington DC, Michigan, Montana, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.  We handle OSHA, MSHA, and EPA administrative law cases around the United States.  Our attorneys are admitted to federal courts including: US Supreme Court, US Court of Appeals (DC, 3rd and 4th Circuits), and US District Courts (Maryland, Tennessee, Washington, DC, and West Virginia).

In addition to our litigation practice, the Law Office offers mediation and collaborative law services, as well as consultation, audits, and training on safety, health and employment law issues.

Aerosol Monitoring & Analysis, Inc. (AMA)

Aerosol Monitoring & Analysis, Inc. (AMA) provides expert, responsive and professional industrial hygiene, environmental, and health & safety consulting and training services. Drawing on the experience of our experts, AMA helps clients create and maintain healthy and safe workplaces. Clients depend on AMA for our knowledge, quality of work and integrity.

Chesapeake Region Safety Council (CRSC)

Established in 1923, the Chesapeake Region Safety Council (CRSC) is a private, non-profit, non-governmental public service organization whose mission is to provide the safety training and education that will reduce disabling injuries and save lives.

They serve businesses and citizens throughout the Mid Atlantic Region, serving as a chapter of the National Safety Council, the premier safety organization in the United States. The CRSC is also the lead organization in the Mid Atlantic OSHA Training Institute Education Center.


Colden provides occupational health, safety, and environmental consulting services with professionalism and integrity through personalized and responsive client-focused service. We are committed to building partnerships with our clients to understand, define and provide solutions to health, safety and environmental issues, while helping them achieve their business goals.

CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training

CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training is a nonprofit dedicated to reducing occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities in the construction industry. Through our research, training, and service programs, we serve the industry nationwide by collaborating with key partners, including workers, contractors, project owners, health and safety professionals, researchers, key government agencies, unions, and associations. Created by NABTU, CPWR is a world leader in construction safety and health research and training.

Diversified Safety Services

Diversified Safety Services is a full-service occupational safety and health consulting firm with headquarters in Harford County, Maryland and an Eastern Shore office located in Salisbury, Maryland.

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC

EA is a 100% employee-owned public benefit corporation that provides environmental, compliance, natural resources, and infrastructure engineering and management solutions to a wide range of public and private sector clients.  EA has earned an outstanding reputation for technical expertise, responsive service, and judicious use of client resources.


Every industry and workplace has its own unique set of safety risks and challenges. While most workers in developed nations assume they can safely work and return home each day, research shows otherwise. Serious injuries and fatalities continue to plague global workplaces. For example, between ’93 and ’96, there were over a million employee injuries at USA workplaces annually. Between ’95 and ’98, there were over 6,000 fatal occupational injuries. More recently, in 2017, there were over 5,000 fatal workplace injuries. After so many years, it’s staggering to see that these numbers are still so high.

Impairment Science, Inc

Impairment Science, Inc. applies neuroscience research to educate users about their level of cognitive and motor impairment and to provide a means for businesses and other organizations to assess the impairment of their employees and members.

Maryland Department of the Environment

In 1987, the Maryland Department of the Environment was created to protect and preserve the state's air, water and land resources and safeguard the environmental health of Maryland's citizens. MDE's duties also encompass enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, long-term planning and research. MDE provides technical assistance to Maryland industry and communities for pollution and growth issues and environmental emergencies.


MOSH's mission is to promote and assure workplace safety and health while reducing workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses. MOSH achieves its mission through various means, including inspections, consultation services, compliance assistance, outreach, education, and cooperative programs. By accomplishing our mission MOSH saves lives, enhances the quality of life of working people, and contributes to the economic vitality of the State.

Origami Risk

Origami Risk is a leading provider of integrated SaaS solutions for the risk and insurance industry—from insured corporate and public entities to brokers and risk consultants, insurers, third party claims administrators (TPAs), and risk pools. Highly configurable and completely scalable, Origami Risk delivers a full suite of risk management and insurance core system solutions from a single secure, cloud-based platform accessible via web browser and mobile app.

Sunbelt Rentals

A leader in the equipment rental industry, Sunbelt Rentals is constantly advancing the idea of how a company can best serve its customers, communities and the planet. With a vast network of locations across North America and an expansive portfolio of products and services, we deliver solutions to support any job.

Triumvirate Environmental Inc

Founded in 1988, Triumvirate Environmental Inc. provides sustainable environmental solutions to leading companies in the Life Sciences, Healthcare, Education, and Industrial markets. Our highly trained experts help organizations reduce waste, save money, stay safe and compliant, manage risk, and protect their reputation.

Using the most innovative technology and proven safety measures, we ensure environmental, health, and safety compliance for companies across service locations in North America.

Veolia Group

Veolia Group aims to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation. With nearly 220,000 employees worldwide, the Group designs and provides game-changing solutions that are both useful and practical for water, waste and energy management. Through its three complementary business activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources and replenish them.

White Cap

From hard-to-find products to technical expertise to jobsite training, White Cap supports professional contractors in non-residential, residential and infrastructure end markets with everything they need to keep their projects moving on time, on budget, and as safely as possible.

As the leading North American distributor for professional contractors, the White Cap family consists of multiple brands in the U.S. and Canada. White Cap operates more than 450 branches across North America with more than 9,000 employees supporting approximately 200,000 customers across 15 construction trades.



Morning Keynote

  • Leadership Driven Excellence – Transformational Leadership Drives H&S Excellence


Four Concurrent Tracks: 

Occupational Health 

  • Best Practices in Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Aircrew Vibration Exposures During Operation of the Blackhawk Helicopter
  • Narcan in the Workplace
  • Vulnerable Populations in the Workplace


  • Opioids and Suicide in Construction
  • MOSH/OSHA Updates
  • Helping Businesses Make OSH Risk Decisions
  • Get Hands on Without Putting a Bruise on Virtual Reality Training

Industrial Hygiene/Environmental 

  • Reconstructing the Unknown: Approaches for Developing Retrospective Exposure Estimates
  • High Intensity Optical Sources Calculations
  • Respirable Crystalline Silica - A Regulatory and Sampling Update
  • Improving Exposure Judgments – Generation Rate Estimation of a Disinfectant and Bayesian Decision Analysis 

Construction Safety 

  • Use the Energy Wheel to End the Game of Chance
  • Should We Add Impairment to the Energy Wheel?
  • Unique Safety Aspects of Marine Construction
  • OHS Update 2023

Closing Keynote

  • Roundtable Q&A - History of IH/Safety

Subject to change


  • Adele L. Abrams, Esq., ASP, CMSP, President, Law Office of Adele L. Abrams, PC
  • Keith Aschenbach, Director of Rentals, McLean Contracting Company
  • Steven G. Chervak, Human Factors Engineer, Defense Centers for Public Health – Aberdeen
  • Enid Chung Roemer, PhD, Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Anastacio Dalde, III, Physicist, Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen, Nonionizing Radiation Division
  • Pamela Dopart, PhD, CIH, Managing Scientist, Exponent, Inc.
  • Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP, President, STAR Consultants
  • Dr. Richard D. Fulwiler, CIH, CSHM, President, Transformational Leadership Associates, Retired Director, Health and Safety Worldwide, Procter & Gamble
  • Ned Fitter, Safety Director, McLean Contracting Company
  • Johny J. Hayden III, CSP, ARM, Safety Services Specialist, Chesapeake Employers Insurance
  • Ryan Hines, PhD Student, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Matthew Koss, CSP, CHST, Director of Corporate Safety, ECS Corporate Services LLC
  • Anthony Lenzi, CSP, Safety Coordinator, McLean Contracting Company
  • Craig Lowry, CSP, Certified Safety Professional
  • Dave Madaras, CSP, CHST, President, Chesapeake Region Safety Council
  • Cliff Mitchell, MD, MPH, Director, Environmental Health Bureau, Maryland Department of Health
  • Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, PhD, MSc., Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Rick Rinehart, ScD, Deputy Director, CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training
  • Chris Rodman, MPH, Opioid Projects Coordinator, CPWR - The Center for Construction Research and Training
  • Ed Stuber, CIH, ROH, FAIHA, Portfolio Lead – Industrial Hygiene, SGS Galson
  • Ron Taylor, Partner, Venable, LLP
  • James Woodward, MS, Regional Safety Manager, McLean Contracting Company


Click here to download the agenda.

Download a pdf copy of the speaker's presentation by clicking on the title. They will be uploaded as the speakers send them to us. 


Occupational Health 


Industrial Hygiene/Environmental 

Construction Safety 

8:00 - 8:15


PDC Chair. Ashton Alban, MS, MPH, REHS/RS


PDC Chair. Ashton Alban, MS, MPH, REHS/RS


PDC Chair. Ashton Alban, MS, MPH, REHS/RS


PDC Chair. Ashton Alban, MS, MPH, REHS/RS

8:15 - 9:15
Opening Keynote

Leadership Driven Excellence – Transformational Leadership Drives H&S Excellence

Rick Fulwiler, ScD, CIH, CSHM

Leadership Driven Excellence – Transformational Leadership Drives H&S Excellence

Rick Fulwiler, ScD, CIH, CSHM

Leadership Driven Excellence – Transformational Leadership Drives H&S Excellence

Rick Fulwiler, ScD, CIH, CSHM

Leadership Driven Excellence – Transformational Leadership Drives H&S Excellence

Rick Fulwiler, ScD, CIH, CSHM

Keynote handouts

9:15 - 9:45

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

9:45 - 10:45

Best Practices in Mental Health in the Workplace

Enid Chung Roemer, PhD
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health

Opioids and Suicide in Construction

Rick Rinehart, ScD and Chris Rodman, MPH
CPWR - The Center for Construction and Training

Reconstructing the Unknown: Approaches for Developing Retrospective Exposure Estimates

Pamela Dopart, PhD, CIH
Exponent, Inc.

Use the Energy Wheel to End the Game of Chance

James Woodward Sr., MS
McLean Contracting Company

10:45 - 11:00

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

Break - Vendor 

11:00 - 12:00

Aircrew Vibration Exposures During Operation of the Blackhawk Helicopter

Steven G. Chervak, CPE
Defense Centers for Public Health - Aberdeen


Ron Taylor, JD

High Intensity Optical Sources Calculations

Anastacio Dalde, MS
Defense Centers for Public Health - Aberdeen

Should We Add Impairment to the Energy Wheel?

Dave Madaras, CSP, CHST
Chesapeake Region Safety Council







Narcan in the Workplace

Cliff Mitchell, MD, MS, MPH
Maryland Department of Health

Helping Businesses Make OSH Risk Decisions

Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP
Star Consultants

Respirable Crystalline Silica - A Regulatory and Sampling Update

Ed Stuber, CIH, ROH, FAIHA
SGS Galson

Unique Safety Aspects of Marine Construction

Keith Ashenbach and Tony Lenzi
McLean Contracting Company

2:15  - 2:30

Break Vendor

Break Vendor

Break Vendor

Break Vendor

2:30 - 3:30

Vulnerable Populations in the Workplace

Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, PhD, MSc.
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health

Virtual Reality: The "Reality" Behind This Immersive Technology

Johny J. Hayden III, CSP, ARM
Chesapeake Employers Insurance 

Improving Exposure Judgments – Generation Rate Estimation of a Disinfectant and Bayesian Decision Analysis

Ryan Hines, CIH, CHMM, MS
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health

OHS Update 2023

Adele L. Abrams, Esq., CMSP
Law Office of Adele L. Abrams PC






3:45 - 4:45
Closing Keynote

Door Prize Drawings followed by:
Roundtable Q&A - History of IH/Safety

Ned Fitter, President Chesapeake ASSP
Dave Maderas, CSP, CHST
Craig Lowry, CSP
Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP

Door Prize Drawings followed by:
Roundtable Q&A - History of IH/Safety

Ned Fitter, President Chesapeake ASSP
Dave Maderas, CSP, CHST
Craig Lowry, CSP
Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP

Door Prize Drawings followed by:
Roundtable Q&A - History of IH/Safety

Ned Fitter, President Chesapeake ASSP
Dave Maderas, CSP, CHST
Craig Lowry, CSP
Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP

Door Prize Drawings followed by:
Roundtable Q&A - History of IH/Safety

Ned Fitter, President Chesapeake ASSP
Dave Maderas, CSP, CHST
Craig Lowry, CSP
Paul Esposito, CIH, CSP