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Past Conferences

Please contact us at for more information on any of our past courses in occupational safety and health. 





2023 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

Presented by: 
The American Society of Safety Professionals Chesapeake Chapter and The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section together and The American Industrial Hygiene Association Local Potomac Section with The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health

March 16, 2023

JHU APL, Laurel, MD


National Farmworkers Awareness Week: Second Annual Virtual Seminar 

Sponsored by

The Johns Hopkins POE Total Worker Health ® Center in Mental Health, The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health, The Northeast center for Occupational Health and Safety

March 30, 2023



MWAOHN Dinner Meeting: Travel Medicine

Diane Rybinski, MPH, RN, COHN-S
Certificate in Travel HealthTM

Karen Barry, RN
Certificate in Travel HealthTM
Medical Division
National Geographic Society

April 18, 2023

The University Club, Washington, DC

$15 or $20

2022 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. 

Oct 22-23, 2022


The Johns Hopkins P.O.E. Total Worker Health® Center (POE Center) and  Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center (ERC) for Occupational Safety and Health

Mental Health in the Workplace Fall Summit

We will be hosting an interactive, Hybrid (in person and virtual) Fall Summit, the Mental Health in the Workplace Summit. This is a regional summit oriented to local stakeholders and will focus on workplace culture, peer support, communication about mental health, and burnout, among other topics. We welcome those interested in  workforce mental health to join.  

6-7, 2022


National Farmworkers Awareness Week: Addressing Occupational Health Issues Among Agricultural Workers

This is a part of National Farmworkers Awareness Week (March 25 - 31) - a week of action for students and community members to honor farmworkers' important contributions and to raise awareness about the issues they face. In particular, this session will focus on the mental health and other related concerns (e.g., chemical exposures) for farmworkers.

March 31, 2022


2022 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

Presented by
The American Society of Safety Professionals Chesapeake Chapter and The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section together with The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health

April 28, 2022

JHU APL, Laurel, MD



2021 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. 

Oct 15-17, 2021


2020 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. 



2019 Scientific Symposium

Southeastern Atlantic College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine (SEACOEM)

August 24-25, 2019

Biltmore, Asheville, NC

2019 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. 

October 11-13, 2019

The International House, Philadelphia, PA

2019 Professional Development Seminar 
February 25, 2019

Sponsored by the National Capital Chapter of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals and the Potomac Section of the American Industrial Hygiene and the JHU ERC.

Followed by the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management Course (CHMM review) on 2/26/ - 3/1/19

Feb 25, 2019

JHU Rockville Campus, Rockville MD

Hospital-Based Nursing Safety: How to bolster safety culture and leadership in your workplace

The objective of this project is to take current knowledge about safety culture and make it accessible to hospital-based nursing personnel and supervisors, so they can apply it to their own workplaces.

4/3/18 & 4/4/18

Lancaster, PA

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 International Annual Meeting

Inspiration from new research and application
Workshops featuring hands-on learning
Plenary Sessions on hot topics
120 Concurrent Sessions of in-depth studies 
Interactive Posters from young professionals to accomplished Fellows Guest Speakers with valuable knowledge
Practitioner Track and UX Day for skill-building insights
On-Site Career Center to explore new opportunities
Networking with colleagues, peers, and mentors from around the world 
Receptions for students, early-career professionals, and poster attendees

October 9-11, 2020

Marriott, Philadelphia PA

National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Conference 

Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, co-Executive Director at National COSH, called me yesterday to invite our students to present posters at the conference. This would be a great opportunity as the conference is local this year; you save on travel expenses. We encourage students to submit a poster abstract. Please refer to the Call for Posters flyer(link is external) for more info. 

Dec 4-6, 2018 

Maritime Conference Center,  Linthicum Heights, MD

2019 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

April 18, 2019

JHU APL, Laurel, MD

2018 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia. 

Oct 5 - 7, 2018

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, NJ

2018 Regional Occupational Health Conference: Expanding our Horizons

This conference is offered by: Maryland Area, 
Metropolitan Washington, DC, Seneca Valley Maryland Associations of Occupational Health Nurses. 

Oct 20, 2018

JHU SON, Baltimore,  MD

Opioids in the Maryland Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

Free to register. Learning objectives are: Describe strategies Maryland businesses and agencies are using to address opioids in the workplace. Discuss innovative, evidence-based approaches to the management of opioids in the workplace. Present tools to assist Maryland businesses in the management of opioids in the workplace and workforce. 

Nov 5, 2018

JHSPH, Baltimore MD

2018 Professional Development Seminar 

Sponsored by the National Capital Chapter of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals and the Potomac Section of the American Industrial Hygiene and the JHU ERC

Followed by the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management Course (CHMM review) on 2/27/1 - 3/2/18

Feb 26, 2018 

JHU Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD

2018 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

April 12, 2018

JHU APL, Laurel, MD

2018 Public Employee Safety Association (PESA) Spring Conference

PESA was established by public employees and recognized by the Governor of Maryland in 1967 as a nonprofit organization for the employees of the state and subdivisions. The objective of the organization is to promote health and safety through accident prevention programs, professional meetings, and group discussions of mutual safety and health concerns, and to conduct education and training programs on accident prevention for the purpose of reducing personal injuries and illness.

May 18, 2018


2017 Symposium and Scientific Meeting: Southeastern Atlantic College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine (SEACOEM)

Day 1: The Provider’s Guide to Public Safety Medicine: Understanding and using the available guidelines and standards

Day 2: Opioids in the Workplace

August 12-13, 2017

Embassy Suites, Concord, NC

Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Occupational & Environmental Medicine (MARCOEM)

The MARCOEM is a regional conference developed and presented by a collaboration among ACOEM components and societies representing New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia; and other safety and occupational health professional partners including the Maryland-Area Occupational Health Nurse Association, Seneca Valley of Maryland Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Metropolitan Washington Association of Occupational Health Nurses, and Safety and Industrial Hygiene.

Sept 22-24, 2017


Orientation to Sustainable Environmental Assessment

Environmental review allows local government, federal funding agencies and other stakeholders to identify and evaluate alternative sites and designs that can mitigate adverse impacts and/or lower long-term maintenance costs.  All federal projects come with environmental assessment responsibilities under NEPA, and many local governments either have to meet the NEPA requirement because of the federal portion of funding and/or see the value of routinely including environmental considerations in their local decision making process.


JHU Montgomery County Campus

Healthcare Challenges of Reaching Vulnerable Immigrant Worker Populations

A one-day conference for healthcare, government, & non-profit organizations providing services for immigrants.

June 19, 2017

Kent County, Delaware

Public Employee Safety Association (PESA) Spring Conference

PESA was established by public employees and recognized by the Governor of Maryland in 1967 as a nonprofit organization for the employees of the state and subdivisions. The objective of the organization is to promote health and safety through accident prevention programs, professional meetings, and group discussions of mutual safety and health concerns, and to conduct education and training programs on accident prevention for the purpose of reducing personal injuries and illness.

Topics will include: Active shooter training, Tick hazards, Zika, Protective measures and Tour of Simulation/Evolution room at MFRI. More info to follow. 

May 12, 2017

Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI), College Park, MD

Workplace Violence Training for Healthcare Workers

Healthcare workers are particularly vulnerable to workplace violence. Between 70- 74% of all assaults in the workplace between 2011 and 2013 occurred in healthcare and social service settings. Workplace violence can happen in an office building or in a home

May 25, 2017

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore,  MD

AIHA/ASSE 2017 Chesapeake Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health & Environmental Issues

April 6, 2017

JHU APL, Laurel, MD

2017 Professional Development Seminar 

Spronsored by the National Capital Chapter of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals and the Potomac Section of the American Industrial Hygiene and the JHU ERC

Followed by the Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management Course (CHMM review) on 2/28/17 - 3/3/17

Feb 27, 2017

JHU Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD

Regional Occupational Health Conference: It's a Small World - From Global to Local Threats

Topics will include: Workplace violence: protection, assessment, deterrence (2 sessions). Health Care workplaces: incivility and bullying among health care workers. Biosurety: creating a safety culture; containment and risk programs in the US Military. Hexavalent Chromium: worker exposure risk assessment and cancer screening. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: new approaches for recovery. Bioterrorism and our food supply. Health promotion 2016: take action against our alarming trends. Health Risk Communication: messaging to dispel misinformation and panic. 

Oct 22, 2016

JHSPH, Baltimore, MD

2016 PESA Conference: Preparing for the Summer Months

April 15, 2016

Frederick County Safety Training Facility

National Capital Chapter of the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals and the Potomac Section of the American Industrial Hygiene 

Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management Professional Development Conference 

Feb 22, 2016

JHU Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD

Promoting Health & Safety for Workers with Disabilities: Realizing the Promise of the ADA

The Americans with Disabilities Act turns 25 this year! This conference will explore its impact in the workplace.

June 9-10, 2015

University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

2015 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar 

The American Society of Safety Engineers Chesapeake Chapter and The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section together with the JHU ERC. 


JHU Applied Physics Lab - Laurel, MD 

2015 EHMM Professional Development Seminar 

Sponsored by The Potomac Section of the AIHA and The National Capital Chapter of the AHMP and the JHU ERC. Seminar is followed by the EHMM review course (to study for the CHMM exam). 


JHU Montgomery County Campus - Rockville, MD 

2014 Regional Occupational Health Conference: Past, Present, Future: Uniting Disciplines for Healthy Workers 


Kosiakoff Center, Laurel, MD

The Public Employees Safety Association of Maryland (PESA) Fall Conference: Hazards That Put You at Risk


SHA, Hanover, MD

MCOEM Fall Update: Occupational Medicine in the Healthcare Setting

CME/CEU Opportunities for members of the Maryland College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (MCOEM) and for members of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) and their invited guests. 


JHSPH, Feinstone Hall, Baltimore, MD

Seneca Valley Maryland Association of Occupational Health Nurses (SVMAOHN)

Spring Educational Dinner Meeting
"The Affordable Care Act: How Eligibility and Enrollment Can Improve Access to Care"


GEICO HQ, Chevy Chase, MD

2014 Chesapeake AIHA and ASSE Educational Seminar: Current Topics in Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

Cosponsored with The American Society of Safety Engineers Chesapeake Chapter and The American Industrial Hygiene Association Chesapeake Section 


Kosiakoff Center, Laurel, MD

2014 Delaware Healthy Homes Summit: Children’s Health & the Indoor Environment

Cosponsored by The Delaware Division of Public Health’s
Office of Healthy Environments


University of Delaware, Clayton Hall, Newark, DE

2014 Potomac AIHA/NCC-AHMP Professional Development Seminar


JHU Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD

Frontline Workers and the Worker Safety /Patient Safety Relationship

Sponsored by: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health, Georgetown University, The Joint Commission and The Service Employees International Union


Washington, DC

2012 Regional Occupational Health Conference

Workforce Health and Safety Issues: From the Assembly Lines to the Battlefield


Laurel, MD

Designing the Age Friendly Healthcare Workplace

Sponsored by: University of Maryland School of Nursing and The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health
In collaboration with: Centers for Disease Control/National Institute for Occupational and Safety and Health (CDC/NIOSH)


Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore Hotel, MD

FHI360 - Quality Work, Quality Care: A State-of-the-Art Conference for Home Care Stakeholders


Washington, DC

Orientation to Sustainable Environmental Assessment Course

Environmental responsibilities under NEPA and other authorities have been delegated by 24 CFR 58 to local governments for many HUD programs, such as CDBG, HOME, NSP, TCAP, subsidized and public housing.  The assessment process is not only required but also offers an opportunity to promote sustainability in project design & implementation.  This course uses interactive exercises with extensive Q & A to provide participants with the hands-on experience needed to fully understand and perform in the environmental assessment area.

07/30 - 08/03/12

Baltimore, MD

EHMM Professional Development Conference

There will be three (3) tracks. One track will be a full day certification course (8 hour HAZWOPER Awareness Level class). There will be two other tracks with various topics (some will be repeated). Included in one of these tracks will be a 2 hour ethics training (as required by ABIH for CIH recertification).


Rockville, MD

AIHA/ASSE 2012 Chesapeake Educational Seminar

Current Topics in Safety, Health & Environmental Issues


Laurel, MD

Symposium on Prevention of Occupationally-Related Distracted Driving

To reduce the risks associated with occupational driving through an examination of the issues regarding work-related distractions and an open dialogue with key stakeholders.


JHU APL Kossiakoff Center
Laural, MD

AOHP 2011 National Conference

Sponsored by The Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP)

  • Get the answers to your most challenging  occupational health issues from leading experts
  • Get the latest information related to occupational health including regulations, best practices, legal issues, etc.
  • Network with colleagues and experts in your field
  • Make friends
  • Find solutions to occupational health challenges/issues
  • Continuing Education Credits to maintain certification
  • Get cutting edge information regarding products related to occupational health, items that can improve your practice in efficiency, services, and injury prevention
  • Learn and gain competencies
  • Keep your employees safe and free from injury

09/28 - 10/01/11

Hyatt Regency
Minneapolis, MN