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Leadership Program Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to participate in the program?

The Leadership Program is not open for application. Acceptance into the leadership program is by nomination only from one of the BI partner organizations (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, World Health Organization-Tobacco Free Initiative and World Lung Foundation). You are welcome to request nomination from one of the organizations for the 2019 leadership programs during the respective nomination periods.

Who can BI partner organizations nominate to participate in the program?

BI partner organizations nominate individuals from low- and middle-income countries with consideration of the following priorities:

  • Participants from the group of talented tobacco control professionals who serve in BI grantee organizations in BI priority countries
    • We rely on our BI partners to consult with relevant government and non-government organizations to ensure that they have the opportunity to suggest individuals for nomination consideration
  • Emerging leaders in tobacco control policy and advocacy from low- and middle-income countries with active BI grants. Emerging leaders in tobacco control policy and advocacy from low- and middle-income countries without active BI grants

What are the selection criteria for choosing applicants from the pool of nominees?

In making the final selection of individuals to be invited to formally apply to the program (about 70) from among the nominees, a selection committee comprised of BI partner staff and country representatives, in consultation with Bloomberg Philanthropies, considers the following:

  • Achieving a geographic balance among BI priority countries, with consideration given to countries that have not been well represented in the previous years of the program
  • Within BI priority countries, achieving a balance among represented organizations considering that there may be multiple nominations from some organizations
  • The qualifications, experience and likely influence of the applicants based on the information provided in their nomination forms
  • Consideration of participants from among the low and middle-income countries with active BI grants
  • Achieving a balance across BI partner organizations’ nominations

In selecting nominees from the waitlist of individuals to be invited if spots become available as the application process moves forward, the selection committee considers the selection criteria listed above and the impact on organizational and country balance created by the invited individual who is subsequently unable to attend the program.

How many people are typically nominated and selected from each BI priority country?

The number of nominees for the program is typically around 150 who vie for 70-80 available spots. The number of nominees for each BI priority country depends on the country size, as well as partner activity in the country. For example, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and China on average have the most nominees and the most individuals selected due to population size, as well as the magnitude of the tobacco use epidemic in these countries. The selection committee considers the criteria listed above when making their decisions and does not have any specific quota for the number of individuals selected from each country.

I have missed one of the deadlines for submitting a nomination (BI partners only) or an application or visa form. Am I able to submit a late form and participate in the program?

We encourage you to submit all forms ahead of the deadline to ensure that you meet all program requirements. The program experiences a high demand; therefore, we ask all nominators and selected applicants to respect the program deadlines.

If I have been nominated or selected and am unable to participate, can I nominate a colleague to attend in my place?

No â€“ please note that you should obtain the necessary permissions to attend from supervisors or other entities prior to submitting your application to attend the program. If you are unable to attend, the selection committee will select a nominee from the waitlist.