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Center for Health Equity Publications

It is challenging to figure out how best to contribute to advancing health equity. Our team is learning more about the complexities of health inequities every day and we’re eager to share this knowledge widely.  

Below you’ll find access to our latest learning materials so you can be part of the solution whether you are a researcher, journalist, private citizen, health practitioner, community leader, policy maker, student, or funder. 

Center News Publications

The Center offers several news publications to share research updates and stories about our work.

  • RESEARCHER RESOURCE (monthly), a collation of relevant professional opportunities for health equity-focused researchers, students, and health practitioners. Subscribe.
  • HEALTH EQUITY HAPPENINGS (quarterly), a collection of Center news stories, profiles, research progress, and community engagement updates. Subscribe.
  • COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD Highlights (quarterly), a roundup of quarterly actions by the Center's community advisory board, delivered four times a year.
promo images for Health Equity Happenings, Researcher Resource, and Community Advisory Board Newsletters

Academic Publications

Here you can find our collection of peer-reviewed academic journal articles, opinion pieces, and commentaries by Center for Health Equity experts.

pair of glasses and pen on research paper

Media Coverage

Explore our faculty and Center media coverage, including news articles, podcasts, and video interviews.

Lisa Cooper and The Invisible Shield

CHE Blog

Learn about the exciting work being done at CHE! Our blog includes highlights on our faculty, trainees, and community partners, as well as updates on our research and accomplishments.