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Renal Disease Epidemiology Training Program

Program Directors

Deidra C. Crews, MD, ScM

Deidra C. Crews, MD, ScM

Professor of Medicine
Deputy Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity
Core Faculty, Welch Center for Prevention Epidemiology and Clinical Research
Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH

Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH

C. David Molina Professor of Medicine
Director, ProHealth Clinical Research Unit
Director, Welch Center for Prevention Epidemiology and Clinical Research
Tammy M. Brady, MD, PhD

Tammy M. Brady, MD, PhD

Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Department of Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics
Associate Director, Welch Center for Prevention Epidemiology and Clinical Research


This comprehensive program recruits dedicated, promising investigators and provides them formal and informal training in multidisciplinary research to develop into independent investigators with expertise in renal disease research. The Renal Disease Epidemiology Training Program is funded by a National Research Training Award (T32) from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

The Program is directed by Morgan Grams, MD, PhD.  Lawrence Appel, MD, MPH, Tammy Brady, MD, PhD, and Dorry Segev, MD, PhD, serve as Associate Directors of the Program. While the Program is headquartered at the Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, the Program involves faculty members and fellows from the School of Medicine’s Divisions of Nephrology(link is external)Pediatric Nephrology(link is external)Transplant Surgery(link is external), and General Internal Medicine(link is external) and from the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology

Specific Objectives:

  • To obtain in-depth knowledge and skills in one or more of the following, related to kidney diseases: epidemiological research, biostatistical methodologies, health information systems, health services research, health disparities research, disease prevention and health promotion
  • To understand key principles in the responsible conduct of research and to conduct research with the highest standards of ethics
  • To apply knowledge in research methodologies in the critical appraisal of published and proposed scientific literature
  • To be able to generate relevant research questions independently and to design and perform a study to address those research questions
  • To establish a focus for future research and scholarship in kidney diseases
  • To develop skills in:
    • writing grants for funding from NIH and other funding agencies
    • submitting research results for presentation at scientific meetings 
    • preparing manuscripts for publication
    • reviewing papers for peer-reviewed journals

To achieve these objectives, trainees typically complete comprehensive didactic coursework at the Bloomberg School of Public Health fulfilling requirements for a Master of Health Science (MHS) or Doctorate (PhD) in the Department of Epidemiology's Cardiovascular Disease and Clinical Epidemiology Track, with a Clinical Epidemiology focus.  Trainees also participate in an intensively mentored research project with the expectation that this project will be submitted for publication.  In addition to formal coursework and the mentored research project, trainees also actively participate in several other training activities. Detailed information regarding these requirements is found on the following pages: