2024 Vector Encounter
27th Vector Encounter
Join us in Baltimore on Thursday, June 6 - Friday, June 7. Learning and networking abound. Registration is now closed.

Thursday, June 6 - Friday, June 7, 2024
The 27th Vector Encounter is a two-day gathering hosted by the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, to discuss the biology of disease vectors.
The event takes place June 6-7, 2024. During this engaging get-together, investigators present their lab's latest vector research in Chalk Talk and Short Talk format, emphasizing ideas and latest discoveries. Chalk Talk presentations in the main session are limited to one investigator per lab, by the PI or a team member. Non-PIs can also present research in Short Talk format in a breakout session; more than one lab member can present. See details below. Registration is closed.
Chalk Talks
- Limited to 15 minutes per lab
- Can be presented by the PI, or a designated team member
- Presentation should provide an overview of the current lab projects
- Presentations need to be made using the chalkboard only
Short Talks
- Limited to 15 minutes total, including questions
- Multiple individuals from the same lab can present individual short talks on their projects
- These presentations occur in breakout focus groups and are casual and dynamic in format to promote discussion and feedback
- Short talks can be made using any of the following: a whiteboard (markers provided), 1-3 slides emphasizing data, or all. Creativity in presentation format welcome
Chesapeake blue crab dinner (Thursday, 6/6, 6-8 pm) and casual mixer (Friday, 6/7, 4-6 pm).
Direct questions to Dr. Conor McMeniman | cmcmeni1@jhu.edu and/or Deirdre Watson | dwatso36@jh.edu
Directions and Campus Map
Parking: Parking is $15.00 per day at the Washington Street Garage