750+ First- and Last-Authored Publications since 2010
Producing Knowledge
The institute focuses on basic science which helps us understand the principles and processes of living organisms. This type of basic research underscores the applied science that follows and sets the pace of technological progress. With over 750 first and last authored publications in high-caliber journals, the institute’s prodigious publication record is a testament to the new knowledge it generates—critical knowledge utilized by innumerable researchers globally to advance scientific research to control and eliminate malaria.
PUBLICATIONS | Listed below by year
Trends in Parasitology
Exploiting integrative metabolomics to study host-parasite interactions in Plasmodium infections, Maria Nikulkova | Jane Carlton
Malaria Journal
Community and health worker perspectives on malaria in Meghalaya, India: covering the last mile of elimination by 2030, Jane Carlton
PLOS Glob Public Health
Characterizing mobility patterns and malaria risk factors in semi-nomadic populations of Northern Kenya, Amy Wesolowski
Cell Rep Methods
An expanded neurogenetic toolkit to decode olfaction in the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, Diego Giraldo | Conor McMeniman
Genome Biology & Evolution
The genome of Plasmodium gonderi: Insights into the evolution of human malaria parasites, Jane Carlton
Plasmodium female gamete surface HSP90 is a key determinant for fertilization, Marcel Jacobs-Lorena
NPJ Vaccines
Establishing RTS,S/AS01 as a benchmark for comparison to next-generation malaria vaccines in a mouse model, Yevel Flores-Garcia | Fidel Zavala
Nature Communications
Revisiting the Plasmodium sporozoite inoculum and elucidating the efficiency with which malaria parasites progress through the mosquito, Sachie Kanatani | Photini Sinnis
Nature Medicine
A candidate antibody drug for prevention of malaria, Yevel Garcia-Flores | Fidel Zavala
BMC Genomics
mosGILT controls innate immunity and germ cell development in Anopheles gambiae, George Dimopoulos
Nature Scientific Reports
The effectiveness of malaria camps as part of the malaria control program in Odisha India., Jane Carlton
Plasmodium female gamete surface HSP90 is a key determinant for fertilization, Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
Research Square (pre-print) AWAITING PUBLICATION
Development of an anti-Pfs230 monoclonal antibody as a Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte blocker, Emilia Cuccurullo
PLOS Glob Public Health
Changes in mobility patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia: Implications for the effectiveness of NPIs in Sub-Saharan Africa, Amy Wesolowski
Malaria Journal
Spatial-temporal vector abundance and malaria transmission dynamics in Nchelenge and Lake Mweru islands, a region with a high burden of malaria in northern Zambia, Doug Norris
Nature Communications
Clinically relevant atovaquone-resistant human malaria parasites fail to transmit by mosquito., Victoria Balta | Theresa Shapiro
Nature Communications
Structure guided mimicry of an essential P. falciparum receptor-ligand complex enhances cross neutralizing antibodies, Prakash Srinivasan
Nature Communications
Aedes aegypti Argonaute 2 controls arbovirus infection and host mortality, Shengzhang Dong | George Dimopoulos
Cold Spring Harb Protoc
Quantification of Anopheles gambiae Olfactory Preferences under Semi-Field Conditions, Diego Giraldo | Conor McMeniman
Cold Spring Harb Protoc
A Behavioral Assay to Quantify Odor-Guided Thermotaxis with Anopheles gambiae under Semi-Field Conditions, Diego Giraldo | Conor McMeniman
Cold Spring Harb Protoc
Quantifying Mosquito Host Preference, Diego Giraldo | Conor McMeniman
Cold Spring Harb Protoc
A Behavioral Assay to Quantify Odor-Guided Thermotaxis with Anopheles gambiae under Semi-Field Conditions, Diego Giraldo | Conor McMeniman
Nature Communications
Novel insights into the role of long non-coding RNA in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodiaum falciparum, Photini Sinnis
Delftia tsuruhatensis TC1 symbiont suppresses malaria transmission by anopheline mosquitoes., Wei Huang | Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
PLOS Glob Public Health
Novel bioinformatic methods and machine learning approaches reveal candidate biomarkers of the intensity and timing of past exposure to Plasmodium falciparum., Sophie Berube
Medical Research Archives
The Role of Rural Health Centres in the Detection and Management of Malaria Outbreaks in a Low Transmission Setting of Choma District, Zambia, Clive Shiff
Malaria Journal
Temporal and spatial analysis of Plasmodium falciparum genomics reveals patterns of parasite connectivity in a low-transmission district in Southern Province, Zambia, ICEMR team
American Jounal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
The Impact of Household and Community Indoor Residual Spray Coverage with Fludora Fusion in a High Malaria Transmission Setting in Northern Zambia, Ellen Ferriss | William Moss (ICEMR)
PLoS pathogens
Long non-coding RNAs regulate Aedes aegypti vector competence for Zika virus and reproduction, George Dimopoulos
Neurogenetic identification of mosquito sensory neurons, Joanna Konopka | Chris Potter
Cell Reports
Human scent guides mosquito thermotaxis and host selection under naturalistic conditions, Stephanie Rankin-Turner; Diego Geraldo | Conor McMeniman
The Plasmodium falciparum apicoplast cysteine desulfurase provides sulfur for both iron-sulfur cluster assembly and tRNA modification, Sean Prigge
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Declining Age-Specific Seroprevalence and Seroconversion Rates in Plasmodium falciparum from 2009 to 2018 Documents Progress toward Malaria Elimination in Southern Zambia., Tamaki Kobayasha, William Moss, Southern and Central Africa ICEMR
Stat Med
A Bayesian hierarchical model for signal extraction from protein microarrays, Sophie Berube
Chromobacterium Biopesticide Exposure Does Not Select for Resistance in Aedes Mosquitoes, Cecilia Springer Engdahl | George Dimopoulos
Plos One
Transport of antibody into the skin is only partially dependent upon the neonatal Fc-receptor, Photini Sinnis
The mitochondrion of Plasmodium falciparum is required for cellular acetyl-CoA metabolism and protein acetylation, Sean Prigge
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygene
Creating and Validating Ligase Primers to Detect Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Atovaquone Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum, Theresa Shapiro, Sean Prigge, David Sullivan
Trends in Immunology
Malaria: influence of Anopheles mosquito saliva on Plasmodium infection | Opinion, George Dimopoulos, Photini Sinnis
RNA interference is essential to modulating the pathogenesis of mosquito-borne viruses in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes Aegypti, Yuemei Dong | George Dimopoulos
Cell Reports
A spatial map of antennal-expressed ionotropic receptors in the malaria mosquito, Joshua Raji | Chris Potter
Book published by Jenny Stanford PPublishing: Mosquito Gene Drives and the Malaria Eradication Agenda
Transgenesis and Paratransgenesis for the Control of Malaria, Marcelo Jacobs Lorena
eBook | Chapter 1: Current Scenario of Malaria and the Transformative Power of Gene Drive-Based Technologie. Published by Taylor & Francis Group
Mosquito Gene Drives and the Malaria Eradication Agenda | Current Scenario of Malaria and the Transformative Power of Gene Drive-Based Technologies, George Dimopoulos
Fronteirs I Epidemiology
Exploring how space, time, and sampling impact our ability to measure genetic structure across Plasmodium falciparum populations, Amy Wesolowski
Transmissibility of clinically relevant atovaquone-resistant Plasmodium falciparum by anopheline mosquitoes, Victoria Balta | Theresa Shapiro, Sean Prigge, Sean Prigge
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Malaria in Refugee Children Resettled to a Holoendemic Area of Sub-Saharan Africa, Matthew Ippolito
Infect Immun
Plasmodium berghei Purified Hemozoin Associated with DNA Strongly Inhibits P. berghei Liver-Stage Development in BALB/c Mice after Intravenous Inoculation, Adriano Franco | Fidel Zavala
Curr Opin in Microbiology
New insights into apicoplast metabolism in blood-stage malaria parasites., Rubayet Elahi | Sean Prigge
Parasite & Vectors
Discovery of novel natural products for mosquito control, George Dimopoulos
BMC Infectious Diseases
Characterizing human movement patterns using GPS data loggers in an area of persistent malaria in Zimbabwe along the Mozambique border., William Moss
Curr Opin Insect Sci (2022 Sept 10)
Chemosensory ionotropic receptors in human host-seeking mosquitoes, Joshua Raji | Chris Potter
Phage therapy for mosquito larval control: A proof-of-principle study, Chimnay Tikhe | George Dimopoulos
Malaria Journal | Part of Springer Nature
Impact of aerial humidity on seasonal malaria: an ecological study in Zambia, Clive Shiff
Cold Spring Harb Protocol
Calcium Imaging of Anopheles coluzzii Mosquito Antennae Expressing the Calcium Indicator GCaMP6f, Ali Afify | Chris Potter
Cold Spring Harb Protocol
Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators for Functional Imaging of Mosquito Olfactory Neurons, Ali Afify | Chris Potter
Combining transgenesis with paratransgenesis to fight malaria, Wei Huang | Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
A headspace collection chamber for whole body volatilomics, Stephanie Rankin-Turner | Conor McMeniman
Cell Rep Med
Reducing misclassification bias in severe malaria research, Matthew Ippolito
American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygene
What Heterogeneities in Individual-level Mobility Are Lost During Aggregation? Leveraging GPS Logger Data to Understand Fine-scale and Aggregated Patterns of Mobility, Amy Wesolowski
Cold Spring Harb Protoc.
Overview of Aedes aegypti and Use in Laboratory Studies, Margot Wohl | Conor McMeniman
Cold Spring Harb Protoc.
Single-Pair and Small-Group Crosses of Aedes aegypti, Margot Wohl | Conor McMeniman
Cold Spring Harb Protoc.
Batch Rearing Aedes aegypti, Margot Wohl | Conor McMeniman
Am J Trop Med Hyg
Policy Implications of the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research: Ten Years of Malaria Control Impact Assessments in Hypo-, Meso-, and Holoendemic Transmission Zones in Zambia and Zimbabwe, Amy Wesolowski | William Moss
Am J Trop Med Hyg
Scientific Findings of the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research: Ten Years of Malaria Control Impact Assessments in Hypo-, Meso-, and Holoendemic Transmission Zones in Zambia and Zimbabwe, Amy Wesolowski | William Moss
The Role of Mosquito Hemocytes in Viral Infections, George Dimopoulos
Am J Trop Med Hyg
Temporal and Spatial Differences between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Malaria Infections in the Chittagong Hill Districts, Bangladesh., Frank Curriero (David Sullivan)
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Screening the Pathogen Box for Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum Sporozoite Motility Reveals a Critical Role for Kinases in Transmission Stages, Sachie Kanatani | Photini Sinnis
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Trypsin-like Inhibitor Domain (TIL)-Harboring Protein Is Essential for Aedes aegypti Reproduction., Chinmay Vijay Tikhe | George Dimopoulos
Malaria Journal
Expanded geographic distribution and host preference of Anopheles gibbinsi (Anopheles species 6) in northern Zambia, Mary Gebhardt | Douglas Norris
American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygene
The Unmeasured Burden of Febrile, Respiratory, and Diarrheal Illnesses Identified Through Active Household Surveillance in a Low Malaria Transmission Setting in Southern Zambia, William Moss
Plos Biology
The Aedes aegypti siRNA pathway mediates broad-spectrum defense against human pathogenic viruses and modulates antibacterial and antifungal defenses, Yuemei Dong | George Dimopoulos
Microbial Ecology
Malaria in Refugee Children Resettled to a Holoendemic Area of Sub-Saharan Africa, Matthew Ippolito
Nature Communications
Transgenic Anopheles mosquitoes expressing human PAI-1 impair malaria transmission, Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena & Joel Vega-Rodriguez
Entomological Research
New weapons to fight malaria transmission: A historical view, Wei Huang | Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Metabolic changes accompanying the loss of fumarate hydratase and malate-quinone oxidoreductase in the asexual blood stage of Plasmodium falciparum, Krithika Rajaram | Sean Prigge
Chemoreceptor co-expression in Drosophila melanogaster olfactory neurons, Darya Task | Chris Potter
Oxford Academic: Clinical Infectious Diseases
Whole blood transfusion for severe malarial anemia in a high Plasmodium falciparum transmission setting, Matt Ippolito | William Moss
Frontiers in Microbiology
The Screen of a Phage Display Library Identifies a Peptide that binds ot the Survace of Trypanosoma cruzi, Sung-Jae Cha
J Cell Bio
Ribbon boosts ribosomal protein gene expression to coordinate organ form and function, R. Loganathan | Deborah Andrew
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Understudied Anophelines Contribute to Malaria Transmission in a Low-Transmission Setting in the Choma District, Southern Province, Zambia, Mary Gebhardt | Doug Norris
npj | vaccines
A vaccine targeting the L9 epitope of the malaria circumsporozoite protein confers protection from blood-stage infection in a mouse challenge model, Fidel Zavala
Cell reports
Odorant-receptor-mediated regulation of chemosensory gene expression in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, Sarah Maguire | Chris Potter
J of Visual Experiments
Effective Oral RNA Interference (RNAi) Administration to Adult Anophelese gambiae Mosquitoes, Michael Wells
The RTS, S vaccine--a chance to regain the upper hand against malaria?, Photini Sinnis
The roles of ferredoxin-dependent proteins in the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum parasites, Russell Swift | Sean Prigge
PLoS Biology
C-type lectin 4 regulates broad-spectrum melanization-based refractoriness to malaria parasites, Maria Simoes | George Dimopoulos
Identification of Key Determinants of Cerebral Malaria Development and Inhibition Pathways, Sung-Jae Cha | Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
RTS, S: the first malaria vaccine, Fidel Zavala
PLoS Biology
C-type lectin 4 regulates broad-spectrum melanization-based refractoriness to malaria parasites, Maria Simoes | George Dimopoulos