Leadership Growth
South Asia Program unites professionals from 8 countries

IGTC’s final regional leadership program of 2024 brought together 81 professionals from eight countries for the South Asia Regional Leadership Program held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Over five days, this group took part in leadership training sessions, group projects, and key discussions to increase their leadership skills in tobacco control. The collaborative experience helped build important networks of influence among these tobacco control professionals.
“A wonderful learning experience...
I will take this back to Pakistan and make sure to make a difference.”—Participant Feedback
Speakers represented key regional tobacco control organizations, government ministries, independent legal and economic experts and organizations including the McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer, Mary Anne Charity Trust, Social Policy and Development Center, Khyber Medical University, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Chromatic and HCG Cancer Centre. These experts provided the group with lessons to help them effectively develop, implement, and enforce effective tobacco control policy interventions.
Sessions specific to the region focused on smokeless tobacco and bidis, smoke-free environments, and e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches.
Participants came from the priority countries Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, as well as Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the Maldives. Some BI partners from the U.S. also took part.
The event received positive regional media attention with published articles in Sri Lanka, Nepal, and India. The latter featured an interview with
IGTC associate scientist Steve Tamplin.