News and Events
Recent News

Center Awarded New Funding from CDC
The Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy has been awarded funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue as an Injury Control Research Center.

Center Faculty Create Guide for Communicating with the Public About the Safe System Approach
The Safe System approach is a transportation system that is designed to protect people from traffic injury. Infrastructure changes are often the first public encounter of the Safe System approach, and public pushback is likely to occur if there is not an understanding of the rationale for the changes.

Injury Center Receives 3-Year Bloomberg American Health Initiative Award
This award will bring together the Injury Center and Suicide Prevention Working Group within the Bloomberg School of Public Health to address suicide in the United States.

Injury Center Launches New Partnership with Diné College and Indian Health Service
Center faculty will work with Diné College's Department of Public Health to infuse injury prevention content in their core courses. The students from the tribal college will have injury prevention practicum opportunities with the IHS Navajo area environmental team.

Faculty and Students Represent Injury Center at Safe States Conference
Faculty and students from the Injury Center attended the Safe States Alliance conference held August 19th to August 22nd, 2024, in Portland, Oregon, sharing emerging findings and ongoing practice-based work with the field.

The quarterly newsletter shares research and news from the Center.
Media Inquiries
Research from the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy is often covered by local, national and international media. Media also frequently call upon the Center for our expertise on home safety, substance use and overdose, transportation safety, violence and other injury-related public health issues.
Please contact Kate Sam by email or the Office of Media and Public Relations at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.