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Faculty and Students Represent Injury Center at Safe States Conference


The Safe States Alliance held its annual conference from August 19th to August 22nd, 2024, in Portland, Oregon. Faculty and students from the Injury Center attended to share emerging findings and ongoing practice-based work with the field, representing the Center with two oral presentations and one lightning talk.

Abby Chow, research assistant at the Center, presented a needs assessment tool for the Maryland Core State Injury Prevention Program alongside colleagues from the Maryland Department of Health. The work highlighted the collaborative and data-driven nature of the program, and revealed a number of needs that can inform program quality improvement efforts.

Research associates Mia Aassar and Emily Kumpf presented on their work developing suicide prevention interventions using the Haddon’s Matrix. Ms. Kumpf also moderated a session discussing the role of lived experience in public health practice, and assisted with conference programming in her role as Co-Chair of the Early Student & Early Career Professional Special Interest Group at Safe States.

Center faculty are excited to return to the 2025 Safe States conference in Atlanta next September!