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Deidra Crews Receives 2024 Louis W. Sullivan, MD, Award


Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity (CHE) deputy director Deidra Crews, MD, ScM received the American Society for Clinical Investigation’s (ASCI) 2024 Louis W. Sullivan, MD, Award in recognition of her research and scientific contributions to addressing disparities in kidney disease and hypertension.  ASCI describes Crews as one of “the most influential researchers worldwide advancing kidney health equity” and recognizes the significance of her role as the deputy director of CHE and as President of the American Society of Nephrology. 

Crews was nominated for this award by Susan E. Quaggin, MD who said of Crews, “Her work has informed clinical guidelines and has catalyzed the study of social drivers of disparities in chronic kidney disease.” Quaggin pointed to the influence of Crews’ work in the field and the recognition she has received for her research, leadership, and mentorship, including the Johns Hopkins University President’s Frontier Award, election to the National Academy of Medicine, and the Distinguished Leader Award from the American Society of Nephrology. 

Crews was recognized at the 2024 AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting and will deliver a scientific talk at the 2025 Joint Meeting.