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Piggot DA, Bandeen-Roche K, Mehta SH, Brown T, Yang H, Walston JD, Leng SX, Kirk GD. Frailty Progression and Recovery Among Persons Aging With HIV and Substance Use, CROI, Seattle, WA, February 2017 [poster]

Redd AD, Doria-Rose N, Seivers M, Schmidt S, Laeyendecker O, Porcella S, Kirk GD, Mascola JR, Mehta SH, Quinn TC. Initial HIV Diversity & Neutralizing Antibody Development in People Who Inject Drugs, Seattle, WA, February 2017 [poster]


Althoff  KN, Justice AC, Eron JJ, Jacobson L, Kirk GD, Klein MB,  Re VL, Napravnik S, Silverberg MJ, Moore R. Hepatitis B and C, Alcohol, and CD4 Drive End-Stage Liver Disease in HIV+ Adults, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

Cepeda JA, Thomas DL, Astemborski J, Kong X, Kirk GD, Mehta SH, Liver disease progression in a community-based sample of HCV-infected PWID, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

 Patel EU, Cox AL, Mehta SH, Boon D, Mullis CE, Astemborski J, Osburn WO, Quinn J, Redd AD, Kirk GD, Thomas DL, Quinn TC, Laeyendecker O. Use of hepatitis c virus (hcv) immunoglobulin g antibody avidity as a biomarker to estimate the population-level incidence of hcv infection, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

Mier-y-Teran-Romero L, Cummings DA, Thomas DL, Latkin C, Wong JB, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. HCV treatment as prevention will require massive scale-up to see prevention benefits, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

Quinn J, Astemborski J, Kirk GD, Mehta SH, Thomas DL, Balagopal A. IGF-1 levels predict advanced aging in HIV/HCV coinfected persons, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

 Cassol E, Misra V, Mukerji SS, Morgello S, Kirk GD, Mehta SH, Gabuzda D. Early markers of renal dysfunction among cocaine users with HIV and HCV infection, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]

Longosz AF, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Astemborski J, Quinn TC, Eshleman SH, Laeyendecker O. Cross-sectional vs longitudinal HIV incidence estimates in people who inject drugs, CROI, Boston, MA, February 2016 [poster]


 Klein MB, Althoff  KN, Jing Y, Kirk GD, Re VL, Kim N, Kitahata M, Thio C, Silverberg MJ, Moore R. Has modern ART reduced endstage liver disease risk in HIV-Hepatitits coinfection? CROI, Seattle, WA, February 2015 [poster]

Wong C, Gange SJ, Horberg MA, Kirk GD, Rachlis A, Gill J, Thorne JE, Hogg R, Goedert JJ, Althoff KN. Age-related morbidities among HIV-infected adults from 2000 to 2010, CROI, Seattle, WA, February 2015 [poster]

Lambert AA, Kirk GD, Astemborski J, Mehta SH, Drummond B. HIV Infection Increases Risk of Acute Exacerbations of COPD. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]

Etemad B, Gonzalez O, Sagar M, White L, Laeyendecker O, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Characterization of HIV-1 Envelopes in Acutely and Chronically Infected Injection Drug Users. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]

Cassol E, Misra V, Gabuzda D, Morgello S, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Altered Monoamine and Aclycarnitine Metabolites in HIV Patients with Depression. Altered Monoamine and Acylcarnitine Metabolites in HIV Patients with Depression. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]

Kirkpatrick A, Patel E, Quinn T, Laeyendecker O, Celum C, Eshleman S, Moore R, Blankson J, Mehta SH, Kirk G. Avidity Assay for Cross-Sectional Incidence Based on a 4th-Generation Combo Ag/Ab EIA. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]

Patel E, Quinn T, Laeyendecker O, Cox A, Mullis C, Quinn J, Mehta SH, Kirk G. Development and Comparison of Hepatitis C Cross-Sectional Incidence Testing Methods. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]

Piggott D, Muzaale A, Mehta SH, Brown T, Leng S, Kirk G, Westergaard R, Patel K. Frailty and Cause-Specific Hospitalization Among Persons Aging With HIV and Drug Use. 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, February 2015. [poster]


Longosz AF, Brookmeyer R, Mehta SH, Kirk GD, Margolick JB, Brown J, Quinn TC, Eshleman SH, Laeyendecker O. Incorrect Identification of Recent HIV Infection Using a LAg-Avidity Assay in Adults in the US. 21st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, March 2014. [poster]

Lambert AA, Kirk GD, Astemborski J, Mehta SH, Drummond MB. HIV Infection Increases Risk of Acute Exacerbations of COPD. 21st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, March 2014. [poster]

Piggott DA, Varadhan R, Mehta SH, Brown TT, Leng SX, Kirk GD. Frailty Inflammation and Mortality Among Aging HIV-Infected and At-Risk Injection Drug Users. 21st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, March 2014. [poster]


Abraham A, Jing Y, Beachler D, Silverberg M, Gill J, Dubrow R, M Kitahata, Klein M, Moore R, D’Souza G. Incidence and Risk Factors for Oral Cancer among HIV+ Individuals: North America. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, March 2012. [oral presentation]

Abraham AG, Lau B, Estrella MM, Szczech L,Sterling T, Rourke S, Rodriguez B, Rachlis A, Parikh C, Napravnik S, Moore R, Moore D, Martin J, Klein M, Kitahata M, Kirk GD, Jing Y, Horberg M, Harris M, Gill MJ, Gebo K, Eron J, Crane H, Bosch R, Benson C, Anastos K, Althoff K, Lucas G. ( NA-ACCORD) Tenofovir-Associated Kidney Function Decline with a PI-based Versus NNRTI-based Regimen. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Althoff KN, Buchacz K, Hall I, Zhang J, Hanna DB, Rebeiro P, Gange SJ, Moore RD, Kitahata M, Gebo KA, Martin J, Justice AC, Horberg M, Hogg RS, Sterling TR, Cescon A, Klein MB, Thorne J, Crane H, Mugavero MJ, Napravnik S, Kirk GD, Jacobson LP, Rodriguez B, Brooks JT. (NA-ACCORD) Trends in antiretroviral therapy use, HIV RNA plasma viral load, and CD4 T-lymphocyte counts at death among HIV-infected persons in care in the United States, 2000-2008. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [oral presentation]

An P, Goedert J, Donfield S, Buchbinder S, Kirk GD, Detels R, Winkler C. ZNDR1 gene affects host susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [oral presentation]

D’Souza G, Strickler H, Jing Y, Sterling T, Silverberg M, Samji H, Napravnik S, Moore RW, Mathews C, Klien M, Kitahata M, Kirk GD, Dubrow R, Burchell A, Brooks JT, Beachler DC, Abraham A (NA-ACCORD). Incidence and Risk Factors for Head and Neck and Cervical Cancer Among HIV-Infected Individuals in North America. Eurogin, Prague, July 2012. [poster]

Galai N, Lucas G, Richesson DA, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Longitudinal patterns of hospitalizations among HIV positive and negative injecting drug users: the ALIVE cohort, Baltimore MD, USA, 1993-2009. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Gyeke-Kusi A, Mehta S, Kirk GD, Brown T. Longitudinal changes in Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected injection drug users. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Hanna DB, Buchacz K, Gebo KA, Hessol NA, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Korthius PT, Moore RD, Napravnik S, Patel P, Silverberg MJ, Sterling TR, Willig JH, Lau B, Althoff KN, Collier AD, Ohl ME, Thorne JE, Gill MJ, Klein MB, Martin JN, Rodriguez B, Rourke SB, Gange SK (NA-ACCORD). Trends in antiretroviral therapy initiation and virologic suppression among newly clinically-eligible HIV-infected individuals in North America, 2001 to 2009. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Hanna DB, Buchacz K, Hessol NA, Horberg MA, Jacobson LP, Kitahata MM, Moore RD, Napravnik S, Patel P, Gebo KA, Willig JH, Sterling TR, Kirk GD, Collier A, Ohl ME, Thorne JE, Rodriguez B, Martin JN, Gange SJ (NA-ACCORD) Association Between State AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Features and Treatment Initiation in Clinically Eligible U.S. HIV-infected Persons. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Hanna DB, Gebo KA, Hessol NA, Horberg MA, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Napravnik S, Sterling TR, Willig JH, Gange SJ. (NA-ACCORD). Disparities in Rates of HIV Treatment Initiation and Viral Load Suppression Across US States, 2001-2007. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, March 2012 [poster]

Hanna DB, Stuart EA, Gange SJ. (NA-ACCORD). Use of Propensity Score Matching to Assess the Effect of a State Policy on Treatment Outcomes in U.S. HIV-infected Persons. Society for Epidemiologic Research. Minneapolis, MN, June 2012. [poster]

Hogg R, Samji H, Cescon A, Modur S, Napravnik S, Martin K, Gill J, Klein M, Kirk GD, Gange S. (NA-ACCORD). Temporal Changes in Live Expectancy of HIV+ Individuals: North America. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, March 2012. [oral presentation]

Kirk GD, Mehta SH, Astemborski J, Galai N, Washington J, Higgins Y, Balagopal A, Thomas DL. “Determinants of liver fibrosis among HCV-monoinfected and HIV/HCV-coinfected persons. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Laeyendecker O, Mullis C, Cousins M, Mehta S, Margolick J, Celum C, Astemborski J, Quinn T, Brookmeyer R, and Eshleman S. A multi-assay algorithm outperforms individual cross-sectional HIV incidence assays in a clade B setting. 19th Conf. on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Seattle, WA, March 2012. [abstract]

Laeyendecker O, Seage G, Astemborski K, Mullis C, Cousins M, Kirk GD, Margolick J, Jacobson L, Mehta S, Konikoff J, Donnell DJ, Buchbinder S, Celum C, Brown J. HIV incidence determination in clade B epidemics: a multi-assay approach. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [oral presentation]

Linton, S, Kennedy C, Kirk, GD, Mehta SH. Perspectives of urban redevelopment among persons with a history of injection drug use. 140th APHA Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA, October 2012. [poster]

Moriggia A. Astemborski J, Thomas D, Mehta SH, Kirk GD. Reducing injection intensity is associated with decreased risk for invasive bacterial infection among high frequency injection drug users (IDUs). NIDA International Forum, Scottsdale AZ, June 2012. [poster]

Rebeiro P, Althoff K, Gill J, Horberg M, Krentz H, Martin J, Moore R, Sterling T, Gebo K, Hogg R, Justice A, Kitahata M, Klein M, Mugavero M, Napravnik S, Rourke S, Thorne J, Gange S. (NA-ACCORD) Patterns and Predictors of Absences from HIV Care in North America (2000-2008). 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Rebeiro P, Althoff K, Gill MJ, Krentz H, Gebo K, Horberg M, Hogg R, Thorne J, Sterling T, Gange SJ. (NA-ACCORD). Factors Associated with Absence from HIV Clinical Care Among Black Patients in the NA-ACCORD: Application of Beta-binomial and Transition Models to Observational Cohort Data. 16th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Athens, March 2012. [poster]

Rebeiro P, Althoff K, Gill J, Krentz H, Gebo K, Martin J, Horberg M, Hogg R, Thorne J, Klein M, Sterling T, Moore R, Gange S (NA-ACCORD). Modeling Clinical Retention in the North American HIV Population. Society for Epidemiologic Research. Minneapolis, MN. June 2012. [poster]

Shiels MS, Althoff KN, Achenbach C, Abraham A, Burchell A, Cescon A, Crane H, D’Souza G, Mathews WC, Gill MJ, Hessol N, Justice A, Kirk GD, Klein M, Moore R, Napravnik S, Novak R, Rodriguez B, Schouten J, Sterling T, Thorne J, Willig J, Silverberg MJ, Engels EA. (NA-ACCORD). Age at cancer diagnosis in HIV-infected individuals in North America compared to the general U.S. population. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Silverberg M, Lau B, Jing Y, Achenbach C, Althoff K, Bosch R, Brooks JT, Burchell A, Crane H, D’Souza G, Gill MJ, Goedert JJ, Hessol NA, Justice AC, Hogg R, Kirk GD, Kitahata MM, Klein MB, Martin JN, Mathews WC, Moore RD, Novak R, Patel P, Rachlis A, Rodriquez B, Sterling TR, Willig J, Dubrow R (NA-ACCORD). Risk of Common Cancers by Age 60 for HIV-infected Patients in North America. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Wendel S, Stablinski LL, Iga B, Quinn T, Reynolds S, Gray R, Balagopal A, Redd A, Ocama P, Bbosa F, Kinggundu V, Grabowski M, Serwadda D, Kirk GD. Increased Liver Fibrosis in HIV-Infected Africans is Associated with High Levels of Soluble CD14 in the Absence of Microbial Translocation. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]

Westergaard R, Hess T, Astemborski J, Dowdy D, Mehta S, Kirk GD. Clinic provider continuity and sustained engagement in HIV care for injecting drug users. 19th International AIDS Conference. Washington DC, July 2012. [poster]


Chatziandreou N, Nyein P, Freitas I, Fenton G, Kirk GD, Mehta S, Sagar M. Enhanced CCR5 Usage and Faster Fusion Kinetics Prior to Co-receptor Switching Influenced by Sequence Modifications Outside the V3 Loop and gp41 Domain. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Genberg BL, Lau B, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. The effect of incarceration on injection drug use behaviors in Baltimore, MD. 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, Montreal, Canada, June 2011.

Kallianpur K, Kirk GD, Sailasuta N, Valcour V, Shiramizu B, Nakamoto B, Hannum E, Shikuma C. Regional Cortical Thinning in Virally Suppressed HIV-infected Patients with Detectable Levels of PBMC HIV DNA. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Kirk GD, Galai N, Astemborski J, Linas B, Celentano D, Mehta S, Vlahov D. Decline in Community Viral Load Strongly Associated with Declining HIV Incidence among IDU. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Leng S, Salter M, Manwani B, Li H, Kirk GD. Elevated IL-6 levels and functional decline in HIV infected and IV drug users: Preliminary results from the ALIVE study. Gerontological Society of America's 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2011. [oral presentation]

Linas B, Urban N, Mehta S, Kirk GD. HIV Infection and Illicit Drug Use are Associated with Severe Sleep Disturbance. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Maher BS, Mehta S, Kirk GD. Genome-wide Epigenetics of Chronic Intravenous Drug Injection: A Pilot Study in the ALIVE Cohort. The Genetics and Epigenetics of Substance Abuse: NIDA/NIAAA Satellite Symposium at the World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. Washington DC, September 2011. [poster]

Mehta S, Kirk GD, Astemborski J, Sulkowski M, Afdhal N, Thomas D. Can Serial Liver Stiffness Measurements be used to Determine HCV Treatment need in HCV Mono-infected and HIV/HCV Co-infected Adults? 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Piggott D, Muzaale A, Mehta SH, Brown T, Leng S, Kirk GD. Frailty and Incident Hospitalization in a Cohort of HIV-Infected and Uninfected Injection Drug Users (IDUs). 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Boston, MA, October 2011. [poster]

Piggott D, Muzaale A, Mehta SH, Brown T, Leng S, Kirk GD. Frailty and Incident Hospitalization in a Cohort of HIV-Infected and Uninfected Injection Drug Users (IDUs). 2nd International Workshop on HIV & Aging, Baltimore, MD, October 2011. [oral presentation]

Stabinski L, Kirk GD, Gray R, Ocama P, Bbosa F, Kinggundu V, Saulynas M, Thomas D, Quinn T, Thio C. High Risk of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis among HIV/HBV Co-infected Persons in Uganda. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]

Thomas R, Apps R, Qi Y, Gao X, Goedert K, Kirk GD, Donfield S, Wolinsky S, Thoi C, Carrington M. Effect of HLA-DP Cell Surface Expression on Hepatitis B Virus Pathogenesis. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 2011. [poster]


Abraham A, Deeks S for the NA-ACCORD. Methods for Estimating the Prevalence of Multidrug Resistance in Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced Patients in N. America. 17th CROI, San Francisco, CA, February 2010. [poster]

Abraham A, D’Souza A, Strickler H. Cervical cancer in HIV infected women in North America. XVIII Intl AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2010. [oral presentation]

Althoff K, Gebo KA, Gange SJ, Klein MB, Brooks JT, Hoog RS, Bosch RJ, Horberg MA, Saag MS, Kitahata MM, Eron JJ, Napravnik S, Rouke SB, Gill MJ, Rodriguez B. CD4 count at presentation for HIV care in the United States and Canada: Are those over 50 years more likely to have a delayed presentation? 1st International Workshop on HIV and Aging, Baltimore, MD, October 2010. [oral presentation]

Chatziandreou N, Freitas I, Fenton G, Kamat A, Kirk GD, Mehta SH, M Sagar M. Sensitivity to CCR5 and Fusion Inhibitors Decreases over the Course of HIV-1 Infection. 17th CROI, San Francisco, CA, February 2010. [poster]

Drummond MB, Kirk GD, Astemboroski J, McCormack MC, Marshall MM, Mehta SH, Wise RA and Merlo CA. Prevalence, treatment and risk factors for unrecognized obstructive lung disease among current and former urban drug users. American Thoracic Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2010 [poster discussion].

Gange S, Hanna D, Kitahata M, Rosenblum M, Lau B. Methodological follow-up to analyses published in NEJM. 14th International Workshop on HIV International Databases, Barcelona, March 2010. [oral presentation]

Genberg BL, Gange S, Go V, Kirk GD, Celentano DD, Mehta SH. Neighborhood-level predictors of long-term injection cessation among injection drug users (IDUs): The effect of neighborhood deprivation. 43rd Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 2010. [poster]

Genberg B, Go V, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Relapse Following Long-Term Injection Cessation among Injection Drug Users (IDUs) in Baltimore, Maryland USA. XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2010. [poster]

Golub E, Deeks S, Hunt H, Martin F, Gange S, Rodriguez B, Freeman A, Zhang J. Prevalence of HIV disease progression phenotypes. 14th International Workshop on HIV International Databases, Barcelona, March 2010 [poster]

Howe CJ, Cole SR, Ostrow DS, Mehta SH, and Kirk GD. Marginal structural models to estimate the effect of alcohol consumption on HIV acquisition. 14th International Workshop on HIV International Databases, Barcelona, March 2010 [poster]

Kirk GD. HIV Infection Increases Risk For Lung Cancer And COPD: Results From SHIELD (Study Of HIV Infection In The Etiology Of Lung Disease). American Thoracic Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2010 [oral].

Kirk GD. Application of GPS-linked EMA & neighborhood indicators of stress and drug use. New Frontiers in Measurement: Phenotypes, Endophenotypes, and Envirotypes for Genetic and Behavioral Studies of Nicotine Dependence, at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Baltimore, MD, February 2010. [oral]

Laeyendecker O, Oliver A, Astemborski J, Owen M, Kirk GD, Mehta SH, Koblin B, Chesney M , Quinn T, Eshleman S. Improved Precision of Cross-Sectional HIV Incidence Testing Using a Multi-assay Algorithm that Includes BED and an Avidity Assay with Modified Assay Cut-offs. 17th CROI, San Francisco, CA, February 2010. [poster]

Marshall MM, Kirk GD, Astemboski JA, Mehta SH, Drummond MB, Merlo CA. Decline of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second in an Urban Population of HIV-Infected and Uninfected Injection Drug Users. American Thoracic Society International Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 2010 [poster discussion].

Mehta SH, Astemborski J, Kirk GD. Buprenorphine use is associated with a higher HIV risk profile than methadone use in a community-based cohort of injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore, USA. XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July, 2010. [poster]

Mehta SH, Astemborski J, Kirk GD, Nelson K, Thomas D. Declining Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Incidence Over 20 Years among HIV Positive and Negative Injection Drug Users (IDU) in Baltimore, MD (1988 to 2008). 17th CROI, San Francisco, CA, February 2010. [poster]

Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK, Celentano DD, Johnson SC, Vasudevan CK, Murugavel KG, Anand S, Kumar MS, Solomon S, Solomon SS. The intersection between sex and drugs: HIV prevalence among sexual partners of IDUs in Chennai, India. 17th CROI, San Francisco, CA, February 2010. [poster]

Mehta SH, Sudarshi D, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, Anand S, Kumar MS, Solomon S, Solomon SS. Factors associated with injection cessation among injection drug users (IDUs) in Chennai, India. XVIII International AIDS Conference. Vienna, Austria, July 2010. [poster]

Preston K, Epstein D, Vahabzadeh M, Lin J-L, Curriero F, Glass T, Celentano D, Mehta SH, Kirk GD. The EXACT Study: Real time methods for quantifying exposure to illicit drugs and psychosocial stress. In Genes and Environment Initiative All Hands Meetings, Bethesda, MD, January 2010. [poster]

Salter ML, Ahmed M, Mehta SH, Kirk GD. HIV infection and immune suppression are associated with higher burden of mulitmorbidity among aging IDUs in Baltimore, MD. 1st International Workshop on HIV and Aging, Baltimore, MD, October 2010. [oral presentation]

Sherman, Reuben J, Lilleston P, Serio C. Through an ethnographic lens: The HIV risk environment of exotic dance clubs. 43rd Annual Society for Epidemiological Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 2010. Seattle, WA. [Invited oral presentation]

Smith DK, Pals SL, Mehta SH, Voetsch AC, Herbst JH, Carey JW. Developing screening indexes to predict HIV infection in men who have sex with men and injection drug users in the US. XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July, 2010. [poster]

Westergaard R, Kirk GD, Richesson D, Galai N, Mehta SH. Incarceration predicts virologic failure among HIV-infected injection drug users (IDUs) on antiretroviral therapy. XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2010. [poster]


Abraham AG, Deeks SG and North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Prevalence trends of multidrug resistance among antiretroviral therapy-experienced patients in North America: 2000-2005. In 13th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009.

Althoff K, Gange SJ, Gebo KA and North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Older age is inversely associated with immune recovery after HAART initiation in North America. In 13th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009.

Drummond MB, Kirk GD, McCormack MC, Marshall MM, Ricketts EP, Mehta SH, Wise RA, Merlo CM. HIV infection and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Impact of risk behavior and disease on quality of life in injection drug users. In American Thoracic Society Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2009.

Etemad B, Fenton G, Kamat A, Mehta S, Kirk G, Sagar M. HIV-1 envelopes evolve to have higher CCR5 affinity and faster fusion kinetics over the course of infection. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Montreal, Canada 2009.

Genberg B, Go V, Celentano DD, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Characterizing trajectories of injection drug use over 20 years of the ALIVE study (1988-2008). 8th International Conference on Urban Health, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.

Kiertiburanakul S, Stein K, Astemborski J, Mehta SH, Nelson K, Kirk GD. Incidence, risk factors and mortality from recurrent bacterial pneumonia among injection drug users with and without HIV infection. In 47th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.

Kirk GD, Ahmed M, Salter M, Mehta SH, Guralnik JM, Patel KV. Immunosuppression and higher viral load are associated with decreased physical performance among aging HIV-infected persons. In 47th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.

Kitahata MM, Gange SG, Moore RD and North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Initiating rather than deferring HAART at a CD4 count >500 cells/mm3 is associated with improved survival. In 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada, February 2009.

Kitahata MM, Gange SG, Moore RD and North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration Research and Design (NA-ACCORD). Summary of survival benefit from early treatment studies in NA-ACCORD. In DHHS Panel on Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, February 2009.

Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK, Celentano DD, Murugavel KG, Vasudevan CK, Anand S, Solomon S, Solomon SS. Liver disease is associated with HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection and alcohol use among injection drug users (IDUs) in Chennai, India. 5th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Cape Town, South Africa 2009.

Mehta SH, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, Murugavel KP, Anand S, Solomon S, Celentano DD. Solomon SS. Prevalence of liver disease among hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV-infected injection drug users (IDUs) in Chennai, India. 13th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Washington DC 2009.

Nyquist P, An P, Brown A, Kirk GD, Hoke A, Winkler C, McArthur J. Monocyte chemoattractant factor 1 (MCP-1) receptor (CCR2) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with increased risk of HIV-associated peripheral neuropathy. In 134th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Baltimore, MD, October 2009.

Shiels MS, Cole SR, Mehta SH, Kirk GD. Smoking-associated cancers among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected injection drug users.” In Society of Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA, May 2009.

Solomon SS, Srikrishnan AK, Vasudevan CK, Murugavel KP, Saravanan S, Solomon S, Celentano DD. Ray SC, Mehta SH. Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection Among Injection Drug Users (IDUs) in Chennai, India. 13th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Washington DC 2009.

Yanik E, Lucas GM, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. HIV and chronic kidney disease in an injection drug user population. 42nd Annual Society of Epidemiologic Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2009.


Classen C, Diener-West M, Mehta SH, Thomas D, Kirk GD.  Liver disease predicts discordance between CD4 cell counts and CD4 percentages. In Infectious Diseases Society of America  / Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Joint Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2008.

Celentano D, Astemborski J, Mehta SH, Kirk G. Decreasing initiation of HAART therapy and reduced immunologic competence among injection drug users, 1996-2006, Baltimore, MD USA. XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008.

Mehta SH, Astemborski J, Kirk GD, Nelson KE, Thomas DL. Declining hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence over 20 years among HIV positive and negative injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore, MD (1988-2007). XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008.


Genberg BL, Celentano DD, Vlahov D, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Predictors of incarceration among injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore, MD. 5th International Conference on Urban Health, Baltimore, MD, 2007.

Nandi A, Chu H, Poundstone K, Vlahov D, Kirk GD, Celentano DD, Mehta SH. The association between neighborhood population decline and time to HIV seroconversion among injection drug users in Baltimore. 5th International Conference on Urban Health, Baltimore MD, 2007.


Mehta SH, Lucas GM, Astemborski J, Kirk GD, Vlahov D, Galai N. Discordant responses to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and clinical outcomes among injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore, MD. 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Denver CO, 2006.

Mehta SH, Thomas DL, Torbenson M, Moore RD, Sulkowski MS. Limited effectiveness of antiviral treatment for hepatitis C in an urban HIV clinic. 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Denver CO, 2006.

Mehta SH, Vlahov D, Astemborski J, Celentano DD, Strathdee SA, Thomas DL. Barriers to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment among community-based injection drug users in Baltimore, MD. Major Session: 17 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm, Vancouver CA, 2006.

Mehta SH, Vlahov D, Astemborski J, Celentano DD, Lucas GM, Kirk GD, Galai N. Factors associated with non-structured treatment interruptions (NTIs) among injection drug users (IDUs). XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, CA, 2006.

Phillips KA, Galai N, Astemborski JA, Strathdee SA, Vlahov D, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. The impact of incarceration on HIV infection among injection drug users (IDUs). XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, CA, 2006.

Pollini RA, Mehta SH, Gange S, Celentano D, Vlahov D, Strathdee SA. Non-fatal overdose among injection drug users (IDUs) in Baltimore, Maryland: Targeting overdose survivors for preventive interventions. 17th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm, Vancouver CA, 2006.


Galai N, Lucas GM, O’Driscoll P, Celentano DD, Kirk GD, Mehta SH. Longitudinal patterns of health care utilization among community-based injection drug users in Baltimore, MD, 1993-2004. 3rd International Conference on Urban Health, Toronto ON, 2005.

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