JH-IIRU Report: 700,000 Deaths and Severe Injuries Prevented Through iRAP Road Safety Projects

Using the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) methodology, road safety infrastructure changes and safer speeds have prevented almost 700,000 deaths and serious injuries in 74 countries since 2016, according to a new paper with Johns Hopkins University published in the respected journal PLOS One.
The paper ‘Statistical estimation of fatal and serious injuries saved by iRAP protocols in 74 countries’ estimates the likely impact of road improvements in 1,039 infrastructure projects where the iRAP methodology and tools have been used.
Key findings of the report, which models year-by-year impact, show the application of the iRAP model will have prevented a cumulative and estimated 699,768 deaths and serious injuries between January 2016 and the end of 2024. Further, the paper projects that by 2044, the existing road treatments will prevent almost 3.2 million fatalities and serious injuries, given the average effective lifespan of 20 years.
The study is the first to measure the impact of road projects financed and implemented by governments, development banks, NGOs, and private-sector road operators around the world using the iRAP methodology and tools.
The iRAP Star Rating Methodology provides an objective measure of road safety levels ‘built in’ to the road for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. It presents an evidence-based measure of the likelihood of a crash occurring and its severity. A 1-star rated road is the least safe while a 5-star road is the safest
Examples of projects where the iRAP methodology has been used include*:
In Karnataka, India, deaths reduced by 54% and injuries by 42% on a 62km section of the Belagavi - Yaragatti Highway; in Victoria, Australia, deaths fell by 77% and hospital bed days reduced by 74% on 1,730km of key highways; zero fatalities and an 89% fall in injuries on a section of Highway 4028 in Thailand; in Shaanxi, China, road deaths fell 33% and injuries more than halved (53%) on 850km of roads; in Albania, road deaths fell 23% following treatment on 1,335km of the nation’s busiest primary and secondary roads; in England, deaths fell by 54% on more than 7,000km of strategic network roads; and in Bogota, Colombia, speed limit reductions informed by iRAP assessments resulted in a 22% reduction in fatalities.
Rob McInerney, iRAP CEO, said: “We are so proud and thankful for each, and every life saved by our partners around the world. We don’t know who we have saved, but we do know it could be someone you or I love. What this research shows is that countries and organisations that are making use of the iRAP methodology and tools to inform investment in safer roads – such as sidewalks and crossings, bicycle lanes, safety barriers and traffic calming – are having a real and measurable impact."
iRAP partnerships now extend across more than 125 countries of assessments including 1.8 million kilometres of Star Ratings of roads and designs, and 1.8 million kilometres of Risk Mapping, influencing the safety of over 100 billion USD of road investment.
Globally, road deaths and injuries have declined for the first time on record, according to the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), which identified improving standards of roads as an important factor. The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021- 2030 set targets for most journeys to be made on 3-star or better roads by 2030, and all new roads to be built to those standards.
Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, report co-author and Director, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU), said: “The world is in constant motion. People commute to work, walk to school, run errands, and engage in different day-to-day activities. Recognizing this reality, the Safe System approach emphasizes 'safe road infrastructure' as an essential component of its framework. Consequently, prioritizing its integration into urban planning and development initiatives should become imperative in every city, country, and region. We are optimistic that this study will serve to amplify the importance of safe infrastructure and inject renewed vigor into global road safety efforts.”
FIA Foundation Executive Director Saul Billingsley said: “The FIA Foundation is incredibly proud to be a core donor to iRAP’s work creating the tools and methodology to make roads safer for all. This analysis demonstrates the profound impact that iRAP is having around the world, saving hundreds of thousands of deaths and serious injuries through safe road assessment, design, and upgrades of roads. Now we need to see greater government investment and support from development banks to deliver safer road infrastructure over the next five years so that we can do everything we can to achieve the global goal to halve road deaths by 2030.”
Read the full peer-reviewed PLOS One artICLE
Media inquiries:
Judy Williams, iRAP Global Programme and Communications Manager
Email: judy.williams@irap.org, Mob +61 400 782 204
Kate Turner, FIA Foundation Media and Advocacy Manager
Email: kate.turner@fiafoundation.org, Mob +44 78 7989 3222
Adriana Portillo, JH-IIRU Communications Associate
Email: aportil6@jh.edu, Mob +52 614 349 8965
About iRAP
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a registered charity with the vision for a world free of high-risk roads. The charity is active in over 125 countries and works with governments, development banks, mobility clubs, industry, research organisations and road safety NGOs to provide them with the free methodology, tools, training, and support to make their roads safer. iRAP’s Star Rating Methodology provides a simple and objective measure of the level of safety which is ‘built-in’ to the road for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. A 1-star road is the least safe and a 5-star road is the safest. iRAP’s Safety Insights Explorer is a valuable online resource unlocking the potential of the world’s largest road infrastructure safety database to explore the human and financial impact of road injury, how safe the world’s roads are, and provide the Business Case for Safer Roads. As at December 2023, 1.8 million kilometres of Crash Risk Mapping and 1.8 million kilometres of Star Ratings of roads and designs (including 1,356 schools), have been performed by iRAP partners in 125 countries, informing the safety of over 100 billion USD of road infrastructure investments. 69,000 people have been trained. iRAP is the umbrella programme for regional road assessment programmes including IndiaRAP, BrazilRAP, AusRAP, ChinaRAP, usRAP, KiwiRAP, South Africa RAP, ThaiRAP, TanRAP, KSARAP and MyRAP. The charity’s tools and support are made freely available thanks to the support of major donor the FIA Foundation and current supporting donors Aleatica Foundation, 3M and Prudence Foundation. https://www.irap.org
About the FIA Foundation
The FIA Foundation is an independent UK registered charity which supports an international programme of activities promoting safe roads, clean air, and climate action. FIA Foundation is the funder of iRAP’s core work. www.fiafoundation.org
About Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) was established in 2008 at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health to respond to the growing burden of injuries, disability, and rehabilitation worldwide. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/international-injury-research-uni