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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Partners to Lead Regional Global Road Safety Leadership Course


Beginning on Sunday, March 10, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit faculty and staff – along with colleagues at the Global Road Safety Partnership – will kick off the 2019 Regional Global Road Safety Leadership Course. More than 60 participants from 21 different countries will take part in the offering in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

With support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Global Road Safety Leadership Course aims at building leadership capacity to design, advocate for, and implement effective road safety programs and policies. Now in its fourth year, the course includes modules on road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, post-crash response, and advocating for road safety passage and implementation.

“Each offering provides us with a new opportunity to meet and work with inspiring individuals from all around the world,” said JH-IIRU Director Dr. Abdul Bachani – an instructor during the course. “The next two weeks will feature stimulating learning sessions and dynamic group work designed to enhance effective leadership skills for our participants.”

During the course, participants will take part in a number of interactive sessions, led by facilitators from JH-IIRU and GRSP, as well as Vital Strategies, World Bank, Global NCAP, Pan American Health Organization, and the Global Designing Cities Initiative. The agenda also includes a pair of site visits in collaboration with the National Road Safety Agency and International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). Participants will be divided into groups and prompted with a challenge for which they’ll work together before making final presentations encompassing all that they’ve learned throughout the offering.

The 2019 offering is the third iteration of the regional course after previously being held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2017 and Nairobi, Kenya in 2018.

For updates from the course, follow along on social media using the hashtag #rGRSLC2019.