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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Hosts Special Event on Road Safety and Sustainable Development Goals


On Monday, January 14, 2019, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit hosted “Achieving SDGs: Keys to Success for Road Safety.” The event welcomed public health experts from across the globe for a special 90-minute conversation held at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and streamed live to international virtual participants.

JH-IIRU Director Dr. Abdul Bachani moderated the panel, which featured Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Kelly Larson, World Health Organization’s Dr. Nhan Tran—a Bloomberg School of Public Health alum, Pan American Health Organization’s Dr. Eugenia Rodriguez, and Office of Public Services of Fortaleza’s Luiz Saboia.

“Today’s event brought together a diverse group of experts to hold a critical conversation on road safety and SDGs that will certainly help move towards progress and life-saving solutions,” said Dr. Bachani. “Being able to meet with leaders and decision-makers from around the world allowed us a unique opportunity to pose important questions and highlight innovative, evidence-based strategies in an effort to reduce the number of lives lost to motor vehicle crashes each and every day.”

The panel, which answered questions from members of the invite-only audience, discussed everything from the alcohol industry’s role in road safety to moving forward beyond the concluding decade of action in 2020. At the conclusion of the panel, Dr. Bachani presented the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Award for Leadership in Injury Prevention to Saboia, on behalf of Fortaleza and its mayor, Roberto Claudio.

To watch the full video replay of the event, please click here(link is external).


Kelly Larson of Bloomberg Philanthropies and Dr. Abdul Bachani served on the panel of road safety experts during "Achieving SDGs: Keys to Success for Road Safety."