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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit receives NIH Grant on Trauma and Injury Research Training in Afghanistan and Pakistan


Recently, the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit(link is external) (JH-IIRU) was awarded a D43 grant on trauma and injury research training in Afghanistan and Pakistan from the Fogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health(link is external) (NIH). The grant will build on previous Johns Hopkins-Pakistan International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training (JHU-Pak-ICTIRT) programs running since 2005. The purpose of these previous grants was to develop trauma and injury research capacity at Aga Khan University (AKU) and then Khyber Medical University (KMU) in Pakistan through a combination of strategies. The focus was on injury research training through long-term (master’s) and short-term (workshops) training at AKU.  

The Johns Hopkins-Afghanistan-Pakistan International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training Program (JHU-AfPak ICTIRT) will be based on a partnership of institutions – JHU, AKU, and Aga Khan University Programs in Afghanistan (AKU-PA) – each with a great commitment to trauma and injury research.

The five-year grant is led by three principal investigators – Professors Adnan Hyder (director JH-IIRU), and Junaid Razzak (emergency medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and senior technical advisor of JH-IIRU) from USA and Dr. Nadeem Ullah Khan (Associate Professor Emergency Medicine at AKU). Dr. Parvez Nayani (director of Academic Projects Afghanistan at AKU) will serve as the senior foreign investigator.

The grant will focus on using US expertise to further strengthen Pakistani institutions for doctoral training, enhance injury research capacity in Afghanistan, promote a sustainable research enterprise in western Asia, and enable regional dissemination of research evidence to influence policy and investments in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The main objectives of the Johns Hopkins-Afghanistan-Pakistan International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training Program (JHU-AfPak ICTIRT) include: the development of a core group of researchers focused on trauma and injuries for Afghanistan; to help develop doctoral training programs in injury research; and to promote research around key regional priorities for trauma and injuries.

For more information, please click here.(link is external)

JH-IIRU Director meets with Dean of AKU

JH-IIRU director, Dr. Adnan Hyder, meets with Dean Abbas at AKU