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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Attends Fogarty International Center Trauma Program Networking Meeting


On March 28, 2017, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit(link is external) (JH-IIRU) faculty members including director, Dr. Adnan Hyder and senior technical advisor, Dr. Junaid Razzak, attended the Fogarty International Center (FIC) Trauma Program Network Meeting. Leading investigators in trauma and injury from around the country and internationally attended the meeting held at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

Dr. Roger Glass, the director of the FIC, opened the meeting. Dr. Razzak presented reflections on a decade of capacity development in injury and trauma research in Pakistan. He discussed the background, objectives, outputs and impact of the Johns Hopkins University-Pakistan Fogarty International Collaborative Trauma and Injury Research Training Program (JHU-Pak ICTIRT).

Dr. Razzak presents at a Fogarty Meeting

Dr. Junaid Razzak presents on JHU-Pak ICTIRT 

Dr. Adnan Hyder then presented on the Johns Hopkins University-Hanoi University of Public Health Trauma and Injury Research Program in Vietnam (JHU-Hanoi TRIP). He gave an overview of the constrains and gaps to address trauma and injuries in Vietnam and discussed the goals and specific aims of the program.

The meeting closed with group discussion topics including: Governance and challenges with program management in various countries, ethical issues in research and shared teaching resources across programs.

Read more about the Pakistan(link is external) and Vietnam(link is external) training programs. 

Dr. Hyder presents at Fogarty

Dr. Adnan Hyder presents on JHU-Hanoi TRIP