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Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Participates in International Child Road Safety Forum


On June 15 - 17, 2016, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit’s Assistant Scientist, Dr. Connie Hoe, traveled to Santiago, Chile, to participate in the Second International Child Road Safety Forum (FISEVI). The event was organized by the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation and hosted by Chile’s National Traffic Commission and the Automobile Club of Chile. The main objective of the forum was to share knowledge, experiences, best practices and ideas related to road safety. The forum was opened by Andrés Gómez-Lobo, Minister of Transport and Telecommunications of Chile, and attended by more than 30 safety experts from around the world.

Connie Hoe

Photo courtesy of Gary Smith

Dr. Hoe participated in the “Public Policies Related to Road Safety” workshop with several other road safety experts from the National Road Safety Agency in Argentina, the National Road Safety Agency in Colombia, the National Road Safety Committee in Chile, the National Road Safety Unit in Uruguay, and the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation. She also served as a speaker for Pillar 1 – Road Safety Management where she highlighted the need for lead agencies that are empowered to implement good practice guidelines and coordinate road safety stakeholders. Dr. Hoe also discussed the importance of establishing and supporting data systems for on-going monitoring and evaluation of road safety in low- and middle-income countries.

To learn more about the forum, please click here.

Photo courtesy of Lorrie Walker

Photo courtesy of Lorrie Walker