Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit Participated in Launch of Two New Injury Prevention Projects in Qatar
Recently, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) team members, including director, Adnan Hyder, and assistant scientists Katharine Allen and Amber Mehmood, traveled to Doha, Qatar to participate in the launch of two important new injury prevention programs funded by the Qatar National Research Fund’s National Priorities Research Program (NPRP).
JH-IIRU joined lead investigators, the Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), in Qatar for the inaugural collaborators’ meetings on the programs. The first project, “Young Kids in Safe Seats (Y-KISS) Qatar Project: A Randomized Study to Increase Child Restraint Use in Qatar” is led by Dr. Ruben Peralta, Senior Consultant Surgeon and Director of HMC’s Trauma and Critical Care Fellowship Program, aims to increase awareness and utilization of child car restraints for children under the age of five.
The goal of “A Unified Registry for Workplace Injury Prevention in Qatar,” which is being led by Dr. Rafael Consunji, Director of the Hamad Injury Prevention Program, is to develop a national occupational registry to better understand the epidemiology of workplace injuries.
Additional collaborators, The Supreme Council of Health, the Primary Health Care Corporation, the Ministry of Labor and Qatar Red Crescent also participated in the meetings.

Dr. Rafael Consunji, HMC, opens the first collaborators meeting for two new Qatar National Research Fund Grants

Dr. Adnan Hyder introducing the Young Kids in Safe Seats program. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Ruben Peralta)