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The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit’s Free, Online Certificate Program in Road Traffic Injury Prevention


Capacity development is a core feature of the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit's (JH-IIRU) efforts to address the global burden of injuries. Our training and capacity development efforts, which span all facets of injury prevention, focus on combining a strong public health approach, scientific principles and examples of challenges and successes from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

JH-IIRU faculty cover the basic sciences of public health (epidemiology and biostatistics), social sciences (behavior and communications), health systems analysis (health economics), ethics and issues of cultural sensitivity (equity) and primarily engage with public health professionals, medical and research personnel, as well as graduate students from LMICs.

In the spring of 2013, JH‐IIRU extended our training and capacity‐building work with the launch of a free, online certificate training program, Road Traffic Injury Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (RTIP)(link is external). Through RTIP, participants from around the world may take online courses. Upon successful completion, they earn a certificate issued through the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH).

The program is comprised of seven multimedia educational modules that cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of road traffic injury prevention to setting up injury surveillance systems, evaluating road safety interventions and influencing policy on road traffic injuries (RTIs). The lectures are taught by a variety of instructors, including JH-IIRU faculty as well as experts in the field of injury prevention control and trauma care from around the world. Participants can take the courses at their own pace and each module features pre- and post-knowledge assessments.

This program is available at no cost through the public health workforce training and management system (TRAMS) for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Since its launch in April 2013, more than 1000 people from nearly 150 countries have enrolled in the program. One hundred twelve of them have since successfully completed the program.

The program is open to policy makers, researchers, educators and anyone in the general public interested in learning more about RTIs. We do not offer academic credit, but do provide a certificate for completing course modules.

More information here: is external)

Access RTIP here: is external)