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JH-IIRU Publishes Paper on Childhood Unintentional Injuries with Aga Khan University Collaborators


Members of the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU), including director, Adnan Hyder(link is external) and associate director, Aruna Chandran(link is external), along with colleagues from Aga Khan University (AKU) in Pakistan, recently published a paper in the International Journal of Pediatrics.
The article, titled, “Childhood Unintentional Injuries: Need for a Community-Based Home Injury Risk Assessment in Pakistan,” addresses the dearth of printed materials about home injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) as compared to the availability of comparable information in  high income countries (HICs). The paper also examines the development of two tools for home hazard reduction: an in-home tutorial and an educational pamphlet in preparation for a proposed study, the Global Childhood Unintentional Injury Surveillance-Phase 2, Pakistan (GCUIS-Pak). The GCUIS-Pak would test the implementation and acceptability of the tools in two neighborhoods in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi. 
Additionally, the GCUIS-Pak is part of ongoing collaborative efforts between the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/International Injury Research Unit and Aga Khan University/Department of Emergency Medicine in Pakistan. In 2005, JHU-IIRU partnered with Aga Khan University in the development of a child injury surveillance project that resulted in the development of a system with great potential for developing countries, supported by the Department of Violence and Injury Prevention at the World Health Organization, Geneva (published in 2009 – Hyder AA et al(link is external)).  The program also hopes to raise awareness about the importance of child injury and trauma research and foster collaboration among health professionals and researchers in Pakistan, while establishing linkages and partnerships with the broader international injury research community.
To access the paper, click here(link is external).
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