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Bloomberg Philanthropies in India to Promote Reducing Road Traffic Injuries and Tobacco Use


The Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) is currently working with a consortium of partners on the Road Safety in 10 Countries Project (RS-10), an initiative that aims to improve road safety in low- and middle-income countries around the world. The project, which is funded with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies and the World Health Organization, is evaluating and implementing road safety solutions where they are needed most.

Dr. Kelly Henning, head of global health programs at Bloomberg Philanthropies, recently visited India, one of the 10 targeted countries, to promote two important programs: The Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco and the Bloomberg Global Road Safety Program. The Bloomberg Global Road Safety Program is a five-year, $125 million effort to reverse global deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes. Program partners, including JH-IIRU, are supporting countries like India to strengthen and implement proven solutions through key legislation on motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, drinking and driving, and speed; improving sustainable urban transport; incorporating safety in road infrastructure projects; and, monitoring and evaluating traffic-related deaths, injuries and policy effectiveness.

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To learn more about the Global Road Safety Program, please visit

To learn more about JH-IIRU and the RS-10 Project, click here or contact us at