Policy and Impact

Global Policy on Early Home Visits
WHO and UNICEF now recommend at least two home visits by frontline health workers in the first days of life.

Global Policy on Improving Cord Care
WHO now recommends daily CHX application in the first week of life.

A New Strategy for Management of Newborn Infection
Community health workers can now provide oral and injectable medication where necessary in Bangladesh.

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Saves Lives
Neonatal health programs now routinely include an emphasis on immediate breastfeeding.
We recognize the responsibility of researchers in overcoming the gap between evidence and practice. Our work focuses on generating evidence which we follow through to policy formulation with the goal of large scale implementation with high coverage and quality.
Influencing Policy to Impact Millions
We have conducted numerous studies in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the United States. Our research has changed policies and practices – and saved lives – all around the world.
We strive to translate our research findings into local, national, and international policies, which when put into practice can rapidly improve care for women and newborns. In the past decade, we’ve worked with policymakers strengthening national policies and international partners to update UNICEF/WHO policies.
Our research has influenced significant global and local policy changes, which are being implemented at scale, some with the potential to save the lives of more than a million babies every year. Our stories listed below provide a glimpse into the impact of our work.
As we tackle the most difficult remaining challenges to maternal and newborn survival, what will the next 10 years hold?
All photos courtesy of Child Health Research Foundation.