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About Us

Mission Statement and Vision

We develop and evaluate innovations and strategies with the potential to save lives and improve the health of millions of mothers and babies.

Our mission is to improve maternal and newborn health by: 

  • Enhancing understanding of the major causes of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality—and increasing awareness of inequities in these outcomes

  • Developing evidenced-based and cost-effective public health interventions to improve maternal and newborn health

  • Disseminating the learnings to advance policies and programs

  • Providing evaluation and implementation research support to programs  

  • Partnering with local institutions and community-based organizations

Established in 2005 at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, our interdisciplinary team applies expertise in public health, behavioral sciences, nutrition, medicine, engineering, and informatics. Our center also relies on a strong local workforce in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to implement and evaluate low-cost solutions to prevent illnesses and deaths in the world’s most vulnerable mothers and babies.

Conducting Research, Generating Evidence

Our research is conducted in partnership with ministries of health and local public health institutions, peripheral health facilities and frontline health workers. Together, we design, customize, and implement low-cost and culturally acceptable solutions to prevent illness and deaths among the world’s most vulnerable women and their infants.

Our Team

Meet our team of multi-disciplinary researchers. 

Stories from the Field

Read personal stories from our team about the impact of their work around the world.