Thought Leadership Helps Generate Headlines
Thought leadership pieces focused on tobacco control concerns have continued to be a valuable way of drawing attention to key priorities. For example, an op-ed for The Hill by IGTC’s Joanna Cohen resulted in an invitation to debunk tobacco industry claims during a U.S. Congressional Caucus Briefing.
Similarly, authored articles by IGTC researchers are helping steer the tobacco control narrative globally:

In Brazil, Graziele Grilo and Kevin Welding co-authored a commentary published in JOTA, discussing tobacco industry tactics to undermine packaging restrictions and exploit potential policy loopholes. The article emphasizes the importance of monitoring industry practices and developing timely policies.
Grilo also penned a forthcoming editorial in Mexico, arguing for the protection of workers from exposure to secondhand smoke by upholding the country’s 100% smoke-free policies. Citing evidence rooted in health, economics, sociology, and public opinion, the piece establishes that protecting the health of workers is a fundamental step towards a healthier, more just, and equitable future for all.
And in India, Ryan David Kennedy co-authored an opinion piece for The Hindustan Times detailing IGTC’s findings concerning post-consumption marketing and tobacco product litter. The editorial invites policymakers to consider the implementation of plain and standardized packaging and elimination of plastic filters in cigarettes.
By continuing to position its research findings within legitimate and well-read news publications, IGTC is helping to inform the public and policymakers—a crucial component of driving tobacco control progress.