IGTC Team Wins School-Wide Practice Awards

IGTC team members received two Excellence in Public Health Practice Awards from the Bloomberg School of Public Health this week. Our team received one staff award as well as one mixed-team award in the Excellence in International Public Health Practice category.
These yearly awards recognize members of the School community for meeting tremendous public health challenges head-on, tackling them with innovation and determination, and helping to build healthier, safer, more equitable communities here in Baltimore, across the nation and globally.
Program Officer Graziele Grilo won a staff award for “Advancing Health Warning Label Effectiveness in Mexico.” She led data collection, analysis, and dissemination of findings from a study of health warning label compliance on cigarette packs sold in Mexico. Her work informed revised guidelines from Mexico’s Ministry of Health to improve tobacco warning label visibility and reduce tobacco product appeal.
The “Informing the Public and Policymakers in the Philippines through Research-Based Media Campaign” project earned PhD student Elizabeth Crespi, staff members Hannah Barker, Jared Earley and Reiley Hartmuller, and faculty members Jennifer Brown, Lauren Czaplicki and Tuo-Yen Tseng a team award for its work. The team conducted studies and media dissemination in the Philippines that led to calls by opinion leaders and influential press for tobacco control policy measures and critical conversations on addressing these key concerns.