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IGTC Spring Publishing Update


IGTC had several papers published recently, highlighting many different aspects of the Institute's work across the globe.

Joanna Cohen and Beladanta Amalia were part of a team that published a paper in Tobacco Control on the presence of flavor chemicals in Indonesian cigarettes.

Bekir Kaplan analyzed data on the use of flavors in e-cigarettes by adults and youth. The paper was published in Tobacco Induced Diseases.

Addictive Behaviors also published a paper led by Elizabeth Crespi on the correlation between flavors, wattages and nicotine levels.

Michelle Duren led a paper published in Tobacco Control which showed significant variation in how countries classify nicotine pouches. The paper is based on data from our nicotine pouch policy scan, available for free online.

And Cohen also led a group of tobacco control researchers and advocates in a Perspective piece published by the New England Journal of Medicine. The paper called on the FDA to take steps to encourage innovation of smoking-cessation products.