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World No Tobacco Day 2021

Brian Shea

World No Tobacco Day 2021 took place on May 31, with the theme of "Commit to Quit." The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit. Commit to quit today and sign the pledge(link is external)

The Institute for Global Tobacco Control shared information throughout May to support the World No Tobacco Day theme. Our faculty and staff work to prevent death and disease from tobacco products by generating evidence to support effective tobacco control interventions. Through infographics and videos, we hoped to raise awareness of the importance of ending the use of tobacco products.

Tobacco and COVID-19
Health Equity Report
The Impact of Tobacco-Related Disparities
"Menthol-Plus" Cigarettes


The effects of COVID-19 on lung health provides the perfect reason to quit. The Monday Campaigns can help you get started and our free online course can help you learn about tobacco use and COVID-19.

Tobacco companies contribute to and take advantage of racism and underlying conditions like low socioeconomic status by marketing highly addictive products which are difficult to quit to audiences already facing health-related disparities. Learn more about our recent study(link is external).



The World Health Organization defines health equity as “the absence of unfair and avoidable or remediable differences in health among population groups defined socially, economically, demographically or geographically.” Achieving health equity requires that determinants of health, such as poverty and discrimination, are addressed and disparities in health are eliminated.

Tobacco-related disparities have been extensively documented by researchers; addressing these disparities presents enormous potential for advancing health equity. For example, rates of tobacco cessation vary by sociodemographic characteristics. Understanding and eliminating disparities due to tobacco products has the potential to substantially improve population health.

Tobacco companies use flavors and "concept descriptors" to entice consumers with a product that is difficult to quit. Our fact sheet breaks down how “Menthol-Plus” cigarettes require tougher bans on flavored tobacco.

Download the Fact Sheet(link is external)
Read the Article(link is external)