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Training Opportunities for Researchers

The Johns Hopkins ALACRITY Center for Health and Longevity in Mental Illness hosts research-in-progress seminars, speaker series, and other training events targeting researchers interested in advancing the science around reducing premature mortality among people with serious mental illness.

Available Trainings

Advanced Methods for Mental Health Services Research Training Series 

“Building Effective Adaptive Interventions in Mental Health Services Research" – Dr. Nicholas Seewald, PhD

"Using Difference-in-Differences in Mental Health Services Research" – Ms. Elizabeth Stone, MSPH, PhD candidate

"Methods for Combining Experimental and Population Data to Estimate Population Average Treatment Effects" - Dr. Elizabeth Stuart, PhD

"Using Marginal Structural Models in Mental Health Services Research" - Dr. Sachini Bandara, PhD

"An Introduction to Systems Science and Agent-Based Modeling" - Dr. Tak Igusa, PhD

"Using Mixed-Methods to Inform Causal Inference" - Dr. Beth McGinty, PhD

"The Use of Propensity Scores in Mental Health Services Research" - Dr. Elizabeth Stuart, PhD 

Past Events

NIMH Mental Health Services Research Conference 2022

Massachusetts General Hospital Medical Grand Rounds

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine General Internal Medicine Grand Rounds

Welch Center Clinical Research Grand Rounds

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Webinar